Rayna Noire will be awarding a Kindle Fire (US only) or $50 Amazon GC (international) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


Stunning foggy landscape


Interview:  Meara Cleary, the main character

1. Give up three of your deepest, darkest secrets.  Living in the convent, didn’t allow us many secrets. Keeping a confidence would be forbidden, but sisters still did it. My biggest secret is I have taken advantage of the hole in the wall behind the berry bush. I used it to sneak out to the surrounding woods.

2. If you could have one super power in your existence, what would it be? I would go back in time and meet my parents.

3. A biography has been written about you. What do you think the title would be in six words or less? Her Life Had Meaning. Right now, I’m confused about where I belong. Even though I would have made a troublesome nun. Still, this world is so new and I don’t know where I fit in.

4. If money were not an object, where would you most like to live? My goal is to get back the farm my father ended up dying for. I assumed I could take it because it was my birthright, but I may have to buy it. Money would be very helpful. The farm perches on the edge between Wales and England.


Meara Cleary fills in the blanks:

5. I can never be like the other girls because of my background.

6. The next time I go into town I will refuse to have anything to with Braeden Douglas. It doesn’t matter if he’s handsome and friendly. He’s not for me.

7. Why do I always look behind me? In the convent, I wanted to make sure no one witnessed me doing something I wasn’t supposed to. Out in the world, I still feel as if someone or something is watching me.

8. My favorite flavor is anything sweet because we never had sweet treats inside the convent.

9. I love the outdoors because I feel the most at home there.

10. How much uncertainty can you take? Why? Before my uncle’s arrival, I never knew my parents. The other sisters made up stories, most weren’t flattering. I had no noble family waiting for me, ready to sweep me off to the castle. Living with not knowing allows me to be able to adapt situations. I guess I never ever had any place I could call home, but I do hope to change that soon.

11. Name one thing you must do before you die, and why. I went from picking berries inside the walls to knowing I have to help turn the tide of evil spreading across the continents. Unfortunately, I don’t know how, but might die trying.


Stunning foggy landscape


by Rayna Noire


GENRE:  Historical Fantasy





For seventeen years, the convent walls kept Meara Cleary from the secret of her own parentage. A bearded stranger claims she’s his niece and promises to take her home. Before he can, a cataclysmic event thrusts her into a war-torn world.  Meara vows to journey to Ireland to find her uncle, unaware of how perilous a journey it will be. Her Druidic father guides her through dreams, explaining her magical heritage. Her dead parent can’t help her with the intricacies of village life, especially when she catches the eye of the very engaged Braeden.  A whirlwind composed of equal parts menace, romance, and revelation sweep Meara across the continent while gathering allies and enemies with equal speed. Her intent to return to her family turns into a fight to survive her own destiny.



England 1915

Even though the sisters accepted that their God took male form, they seldom spoke of the male gender at all. This other sex could roam free outside the walls without worrying about falling prey to the temptations of the world.

“Make haste, Mary.” Mother Superior slapped her hands together, which bespoke her irritation.

Meara shook off her initial fear and strode into the room, stopping short past the door. The smiling man’s expression changed as he sent a sharp look at the Mother Superior.

“You told me her name was Meara.”

Her heart leapt. Outside of Sister Gabriella whispering her name when she asked for details about her birth, she’d never ever heard another person say it. Mentally, she called herself Meara in an effort not to lose that slender thread that connected her to her mother.

The woman swung around so fast her black veil fluttered from the motion. Even though she couldn’t see her expression, Meara knew it would be stern enough to cause trembling in the most stalwart of the sisters. The man did not seem intimidated. Strange.

“Meara is a heathen name. Even though her mother chose to name her Meara, I chose the name of Mary to inspire the child who came from a sinful union.”

A low growl emanated from the man’s throat. The other man placed a hand on his shoulder while speaking loud enough for her to hear. “Careful, Simon, don’t be doing something you might regret.”

He shook off the man’s hand before addressing Mother Superior. “Meara is my mother’s name, a good Celtic name my sister chose to keep in the family. It means the sea. As for my sister, you slander her good name. She was married to one of your kinsmen, an Englishman.” He spat the last word as if it were poison and needed to be out of his mouth. “Meara, come closer.” He gestured to a nearby chair.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Rayna Noire is an author and a historian. The desire to uncover the truth behind the original fear of witches led her to the surprising discovery that people believed in magick in some form up to 150 years ago. A world that believed the impossible could happen and often did must have been amazing. With this in mind, Ms. Noire taps into this dimension, shapes it into stories about Pagan families who really aren’t that different from most people. They do go on the occasional adventures and magick happens.


Glimmer will be $0.99 during the tour.

Buy Links:

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

16 Replies to “Rayna Noire on Tour: Glimmer”

    1. Thanks Trix. I like to think of it as a fun read. It has history, magic, romance and danger.


    1. Remember to enter everyday. It’s a short contest, so it will end by the weekend. Thanks for your comments.

  1. This sounds so interesting. Nowadays, people don’t end up in convents if something happened to them. It is amazing to think about what your life could have been like if you had to spend time there, not being a real nun, so a story makes it so much the better!

    1. I have spent a great deal of time with nuns, cloisetered and those teaching schools. The nunnery and even the mother house is becoming a thing of the past. I also watched The Flying Nun as a very young child.

      Thanks for commenting.

    1. Dawne Dominique did the cover. She’s very reasonable if you’re looking for a cover artist.

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