Sarah Dressler will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Author Interview: Sarah Dressler

1. How did you choose your genre? What made you write this book?

Christmas Cove is the first sweet contemporary romance novel that I’ve written. On the morning of July 17, 2022, I woke up from an incredible dream. It was unlike any dream I had ever had. It was the complete story of Christmas Cove as though it had been downloaded into my consciousness. I had been praying about what my next project should be, and bam! Here it was. That dream had a huge impact on me. That morning, I got my notebook out and regurgitated every detail that I could remember, and by lunchtime, I had a detailed twenty-chapter outline drafted. I dove head first into writing Christmas Cove and never looked back.

2. Writers write what they know, and must observe the world. Are you a firstborn, middle, or last child and how does this shape your view of the world?

Being a middle child, one might assume I suffer from the stereotypical issues that plague that particular sect of society. I assure you, problems such as feeling left out, not stacking up to my older siblings, or having to prove myself had nothing to do with being the middle child. I was in fact the only girl. This gift, though I didn’t see it that way at the time, provided a unique experience and view of the world around me. I often include female characters who, like me, are still figuring out where they belong.

3. Where is your favorite place to write?

I have a beautiful office in my home where I write. A dark, moody green paint coats all the walls and highlights the ornate mouldings on the ceiling. A crystal chandelier hangs from a carved medallion in the center of the room and two large windows frame the breathtaking mountain view outside. Whether I’m writing a science fiction thriller, or a sweet contemporary romance novel, as in my debut Christmas Cove, the room evokes an old-world, romanticism that allows me to step into my life as an author and leave the day-to-day grind at the door.

4. Inquiring minds want to know…tell readers something about you that no one knows.

Long before I was a novelist, I was in the public eye. There is very little that I haven’t spoken about from one time to another. I began my public life a decade ago as a fashion stylist and blogger. I was named one of San Antonio’s best fashion bloggers and could often be found at various fashion events around town on any given night of the week. This was a life that was grueling, and it led me to know that I wanted more. I transitioned into fashion design and loved the creative side of the business. What I didn’t love so much was the actual business. It’s just not how my mind works. Later, this revelation led me to know what I wanted out of my writing career, and how I ultimately linked up with my publisher.

5. You are stranded on a deserted island with only a backpack for company. What three items are in your survival pack?

The number of times this question, or similar, has been asked of me is countless. Stranger still is the multitude of ways I’ve answered it. So, I’ll give it another thoughtful go. I would have a water purifying straw for freshwater, a satellite phone to obviously make a call and get the heck off the island, and a bikini so I can work on my tan while I wait.

6. If you could have one superpower in your existence, what would it be?

If I could have a superpower, it would be to slow down time. As a parent of two teenagers, I see the way minutes tick by. I work at being present each day, but there just aren’t enough hours to do all the things I want to do and do them all well.

7. Favorite snack?

My next book will be dedicated to Original Lays Potato chips and m&m’s.

8. Indy 500 – Do you know how to get where you’re going or do you drive the speed limit?

I am somewhat of a cartophile. I love maps and studying places. This makes me a particularly good, some say excellent, navigator, though I’m not a fan of driving. I don’t like going over the speed limit, and I don’t like going fast. I also don’t like waiting and being stuck behind other vehicles because it makes me feel claustrophobic. As you can tell, this paradox can be frustrating at times. Luckily, my oldest child will soon have a driver’s license and I can do all the navigating my heart desires.

Christmas Cove

by Sarah Dressler


GENRE:   Romance



With only three weeks left in December, travel editor, America Greene, arrives in the idyllic Christmas Cove to find it… Christmasless!

America needs a story, and fast, so she teams up with the town’s good-looking (and eligible) mayor, Leo, to light up Main Street and salvage her chance at being a full-time writer. The connection between them heats up, halls are decked, sleigh bells ring, and lights twinkle. Just when she thinks the holiday is saved, a nearby city threatens the future of Christmas Cove. With her heart and career, hanging in the balance, she must learn that Christmas is much more than just a place on a map before time runs out.



“Your honesty is very—”

“Annoying?” she finished.

“No,” Leo said. She sensed the grin on his face but refused to look. “Refreshing. Endearing. I’ve never met anyone like you, America Greene.”

This was too much, she decided. “Are you reading my mind or something?” She looked at him. Her suspicions about his grin’s gauge were confirmed and only widened with the pause that danced between them. “I’ve never met anyone like you, either.”

Leo didn’t say anything. It was as though they were each sizing the implications of the revelation. She desperately wanted to know what was traversing his mind. Hers, meanwhile, swam with all the silly dreaming of a young woman still in her youth. The version of herself that would doodle his name in her Trapper Keeper, the one that would pass notes to him in biology, and the one who would have begged to switch lockers with a friend just to be nearer to him.

What was happening to her? She had an assignment to do. And crushing on the small-town mayor of Nowheresville was not on the agenda. She looked at his face, with its strong jawline covered in two- or three-day-old stubble, his serious brows, and his red lips, and weighed the harm in enjoying the man’s company. 

“Did you say something?” Leo asked with a giggle in his throat that he attempted to disguise as a cough.

“Um . . . I don’t think so.” America scoured her memory. Had she said something aloud that she meant to keep to herself? “Did I say something about a Trapper Keeper or locker?”

Another laugh. “No. But now you have me fully engaged.”

The way he strung out the word engaged made her think that was the word she had accidentally said aloud. It was better for her to ignore it than to address the slip. A sigh escaped her the moment the cabin came into view. And not a moment too soon. She was glad that the inelegant adventure could be over for the night.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Sarah Dressler, originally from Florida, now calls the mountains of Colorado home. Beginning her writing career as an award-winning fashion blogger, Sarah now writes fiction full-time. She has spent her life traveling the world, first as the daughter of a US Air Force officer, and later as a military spouse. She enjoys sunset walks with her husband of nearly twenty years, and raising two very busy teenagers.

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11 Replies to “Author Interview Sarah Dressler: Christmas Cove”

  1. It’s a pleasure to have you here Sarah! Way to get us in the Christmas mood! Congratulations on this exciting release!

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