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Author Interview: Courtney Davis
1. How did you choose your genre? What made you write this book?
I love to read urban fantasy and romance so it was easy for me to go to that genre when writing. When I was a kid I started out with horror and I think that lends itself nicely to urban fantasy as well!
For this book, I liked the idea of a woman who could shift into a spider and catch thoughts in her web, the story just ran from there.
2. Writers write what they know, and must observe the world. Are you a firstborn, middle or last child, and how does this shape your view of the world?
I am the youngest of two and the only girl, so I think this made me look at the world through a lense of needing to be tough and prove myself, self-sufficient too. I didn’t have an older sister to coddle me and I didn’t have younger siblings to care for. So I got to be independent and never felt like the world owed me anything. I don’t know if that’s about my birth order so much as my upbringing in general.
3. Where is your favorite place to write?
My couch by the fire. I don’t have an office, but I like being in the middle of the family as I work so they don’t feel neglected, and I can attend to what they need easily as well. Maybe when the kids are older I’ll enjoy getting away to my own space and I’ll have to get my hubby to build an office for me!
4. How do you feel about killing your darlings, and what do you do with the remains?
I see a lot of people talking about killing off characters and I don’t think I do a lot of it, but in this book… someone does die… I don’t want to give anything away, it was sad but also for the best and I feel like their death was a worthy sacrifice.
5. You are introduced to your favorite author. Who is it, and what is that one burning question you must ask them?
I have met one of my favorite authors before, I won’t name them, and I was disappointed by an opinion they had that was derogatory toward other writing styles. So I’m not sure I want to meet more, I would hate to find out most of them think that what they do is the only good and right way to do it.
6. Inquiring minds want to know…tell readers something about you that no one knows.
I have many tattoos and most were done in my kitchen by my husband. I want more, always more, they really are very addictive.
7. You are stranded on a deserted island with only a backpack for company. What three items are in your survival pack?
A knife I could use for protection, getting food, and making shelter. A water filtration system of some kind assuming that there may not be safe clean water to drink. Bug spray, because I really am not a fan of creepy crawlies or biting flying insects! I think I might last a day or two with those.
8. If you could have one superpower in your existence, what would it be?
Mind reading, but I would have to be able to turn it on and off, I don’t want a constant barrage of other people’s thoughts.
9. Favorite snack?
Tortilla chips! I could eat them all day every day.
10. Indy 500 – Do you know how to get where you’re going or do you drive the speed limit?
I always drive fast. If we are trying to get there quick, I drive, not my husband.
A Spider in the Garden
by Courtney Davis
GENRE: Paranormal Fantasy/Romance
Aranha is the last of her kind, a spider shifter who preys upon the dregs of society in an attempt to validate her existence and feed her hunger. She’s lived alone for two hundred years, no family and no friends; always watchful for those who would kill her.
Dag is one of a dying species, vampires who can walk in the day. They have lost their companions and live in dread of the day that they too will become extinct; leaving the earth to the vile creatures who prey upon humans without mercy.
Aranha sees danger in Dag’s face, Dag sees the future in hers. Neither can believe the other exists and their lives are about to get very complicated. Together they embark on a mission to save a young human from the vampires and learn the reality of what their two species were doing in The Garden of Eden.
Aranha hurried through the streets, passing people who hardly registered her existence. Thoughts flowed through her web and she looked for the pattern she’d felt from the monster she was chasing. As always, she was also watching for scent or thought from any other night creatures. She could never let her guard down, couldn’t risk a run in with one of them. A shudder ran through her at the thought of what would happen if she did. She ignored the part of her that wished for it, the release from this loneliness and pain. Death. The end to all of the darkness and filth, the horror that was this place. It could stop… she could stop…
She shook the dark thoughts away and hurried on, more determined than before. A purpose was driving her. As long as she continued to attend to that purpose, she could keep the suicidal thoughts away. Someday she wouldn’t be able to stop it, she knew she would present herself to the beasts that could take her down and she would welcome the release. Not today, not as long as there was a helpless soul cowering in chains that she could help.
“Shit,” she grumbled as she caught the familiar scent of vampire nearby. She rushed into an alley and shifted, scrambling out of her pile of clothes and up the side of the brick, backing herself into a tiny hole.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Courtney Davis is an author of urban fantasy, paranormal, supernatural fiction with a little romance and humor thrown in. She loves creating worlds and exploring human, and inhuman, interaction. She lives in North Idaho with her husband and children where she teaches and enjoys time spent relaxing in the summer sun and winters by the fire. She has always had an affinity for reading and writing and a goal to make a career of it. There is no greater joy than to know her words took a reader out of reality for a time and into another world.
AUTHOR WEB PAGE: http://authorcourtneydavis.com
5PP PAGE: www.5princebooks.com/courtneydavis
5PP BOOK PAGE: www.5princebooks.com/aspiderinthegarden
FACEBOOK AUTHOR PAGE: www.facebook.com/authorcourtneydavis
INSTAGRAM AUTHOR PAGE: www.instagram.com/authorcourtneydavis
TWITTER: www.twitter.com/authorcdavis
TIKTOK: www.tiktok.com/authorcdavis
BOOKBUB AUTHOR PAGE: @courtneymaydavis
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I’m loving this cover.
Thank you! Me too, it really sets the perfect tone for the story.
Thanks for hosting!
It’s a pleasure to have you here Courtney! Congratulations on this exciting release!!
Thank you for having me! I had fun answering your questions and look forward to reading comments today 🙂
an AWESOME cover and i love the thought of a spider shifter.
sherry @ fundinmental
Thank you! The whole book started with the thought of how cool would a girl who could shift into a spider be!
sounds so relaxing to write next to the fireplace
It is! I’m not sure the heat is good for my laptop but i try to watch for overheating lol
Great interview and I love the excerpt, Courtney, A Spider in the Garden sounds like a great book for me to enjoy and I love the cover! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a Happy Valentine’s Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day! And I’m glad you stopped by to check it out.