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Author Interview: Rowan Helaine
1. How did you choose your genre? What made you write this book?
I’ve always loved romance and chick lit, so there was never any question about what I wanted to write. The problem for me was that I am a happily independent childfree woman, and I didn’t see a lot of examples of that in romantic fiction. It sometimes feels like the entire genre exists in a time warp, where marriage and babies are presented as the only pathways to a woman’s happiness. I wanted to read a book where two people could come together as partners, without needing a baby to consider their happiness complete. I have no interest in fixing the genre since there are a lot of people who genuinely enjoy those stories. I just think we need to expand it to include stories for the people who feel left out.
2. Writers write what they know, and must observe the world. Are you a firstborn, middle or last child, and how does this shape your view of the world?
I was a first-born child raised in a less-than-ideal environment. I was independent by nature and empathetic by necessity, which makes it very easy for me to put myself into other people’s headspace.
3. Where is your favorite place to write?
Someplace quiet and free of distraction.
4. How do you feel about killing your darlings, and what do you do with the remains?
Sometimes you have to lose people you care about to live a happier, more peaceful life, and sometimes you have to do terrible things to tell a good story. In art as in life, I walk away and refuse to justify my choices.
5. You are introduced to your favorite author. Who is it, and what is that one burning question you must ask them?
I bought Vamped By David Sosnowski almost by accident. It was am impulse buy, and I hadn’t even read the inside dust jacket. I read it and immediately went out and hunted down his other book, Rapture. That book was life changing for me.
6. Inquiring minds want to know…tell readers something about you that no one knows.
Sometimes I wear bright red lipstick (Loreal True Red) around the apartment because it makes me feel powerful. I also buy way too much fancy lingerie and occasionally drink sparkling apple cider from a Champagne flute because it makes me feel fancy. I’m very much a proponent of indulging in frivolity if it makes you feel good about yourself.
7. You are stranded on a deserted island with only a backpack for company. What three items are in your survival pack?
A solar recharger pad, a satellite phone, and sunscreen.
8. If you could have one superpower in your existence, what would it be?
The superhuman ability to make mean people cry with just a quirk of my eyebrow.
9. Favorite snack?
Homemade lye-boiled sourdough pretzels with yellow mustard.
10. Indy 500 – Do you know how to get where you’re going or do you drive the speed limit?
I’m good as long as I have gas in the tank and there are no speed traps on the horizon.
Brass Tabby
by Rowan Helaine
GENRE: Contemporary Romance (Dark Comedy)
It’s loathe at first felony for the man with no future and the girl with no past.
Left blind and gruesomely scarred following a horrific accident, former golden boy Grant Harcourt isn’t looking for new friends when a snarky ball of hellfire dives into the back of his chartered car. Scrappy street artist Enola Fothergill is just trying to survive, and she definitely doesn’t need the attention that association with the Harcourt clan could bring. A bungled carjacking sparks a slow-burning passion, but when Nola’s murky former life catches up with her, they’ll both have to decide how far they’re willing to go for love.
Howling At The Moon:
Grant craned his neck to inhale the dry tang of an approaching electrical storm, feeling an unexpected thrill go through him. She didn’t seem like the type to check the weather before doing anything, so there was a strong possibility that if she didn’t head home, the rain would keep her in one place. As embarrassing as it was to admit, she never really left him anyway. If she hadn’t shown up when she did, he would have spent the last four hours before sunrise staring up at the ceiling and thinking about her before he finally fell asleep. “So. How was work?”
“Long,” she said. An instant later, she tipped back her head and let loose with a sonorous howl. The sound carried for a while, across the broad expanse of the lawn before it echoed off the tightly packed cedar hedge at the edge of the property. He could hear the way the sound struck the trunks of the trees and bounced back, barely a whisper on the return.
Grant laughed, genuinely laughed, for the first time he could remember. “What the hell was that?”
She responded with another howl, louder this time, projecting her voice into the sky. Leaning against him, she nudged him with her shoulder. “Go ahead. Try it.”
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Born and raised in New England, Rowan is currently leading a semi-nomadic existence in the company of her aggressively affectionate hound dog Filburt and a hardy Finnish sourdough starter. She enjoys solo travel, rescue animals, men, and carbs.
Author website: https://www.rowanhelaine.com/
Buy link: https://www.amazon.com/Brass-Tabby-Slow-Burn-Comedy-Romance-ebook/dp/B09JQPQWYC/
A great interview. Yes, sometimes the darlings just have to go.
Thanks for hosting!
It’s a pleasure to have you here Rowan! Congrats on this exciting release! Enola ‘s voice is great. True Red – I’ll try that.
I liked the excerpt.
I really like the cover and the excerpt.
What inspires your main character ideas?
I like your superpower choice! 😉
What is your favorite holiday?
Thanks for the great excerpt. The book sounds very interesting.
Here’s to an amazing weekend!
Congratulations on your release of Brass Tabby, Rowan, I enjoyed the interview, the excerpt and I enjoyed following the tour and learning about your book, which sounds like a must read for me and the cover is great! Good luck with your book and I hope the tour was a success! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a fantastic weekend!
Congratulations on your release of Brass Tabby, Rowan, I enjoyed the interview, the excerpt and I enjoyed following the tour and learning about your book, which sounds like a must read for me and the cover is great! Good luck with your book and I hope the tour was a success! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a fantastic weekend!