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Author Interview: R.W. Buxton
1. How did you choose your genre? What made you write this book?
In my author bio, the first line is I love all things paranormal. That’s the truth and writing about vampires just seemed to be the natural thing to do. I have some other paranormal ideas, but think it’s only fair to finish with the Erin Kingsly series before I get distracted and start work on something else.
When I finished Capital Thirst, there was way more to the story. It was too much to fit in that book so I knew there had to be more. So before I even began editing Capital Thirst I started writing Beverly Hills Torture.
2. Writers write what they know, and must observe the world. Are you a first born, middle or last child and how does this shape your view of the world?
I’m first born, middle and last. I’m an only child. I know many people that were only children and wanted nothing more than to have a sister or brother. I never thought of that until I was an adult and started talking to other only children and that seemed to be the common theme among them. For me, as a child I had books. I read constantly and always had “people” around me. They may have just been the characters from the books, but I never felt alone.
For me that is one reason books are so important and why I want to share with the rest of the world. It may just be fantasy or romance, but it can help us heal and overcome so much. Books can create a world where anything is possible.
3. Where is your favorite place to write?
I do most of my writing in the family room. Sitting in a wingback chair with a cat on the arm of the chair across from the fireplace. This works great unless the cat wants to lie on my lap and pushes the computer out of the way. Then it becomes somewhat unproductive, but the kitties need love too and the writing can always wait.
I’ve tried writing just about everywhere. I have a wonderful study that I rarely set foot in. But sitting in my favorite chair just seems to be the best place.
4. How do you feel about killing your darlings, and what do you do with the remains?
I’m assuming this is talking about my favorite characters. The answer would be I hate it. It’s the most difficult thing I’ve done in writing. It probably seems strange to become attached to something that isn’t even real, but after spending hours or weeks developing backstories and personalities and then writing about them for months or years, it’s like knowing someone. An old friend. Killing a character is awful and I go to great lengths not to. That said, sometimes it happens. I’ve written those scenes over and over trying to find a different ending, but I know going into it what has to happen. Although killing an antagonist is easier than a protagonist or supporting character it’s still hard.
I don’t want to give anything away for the future so I won’t say what I do with the remains. You’ll have to read to find out what happens.
5. You are introduced to your favorite author. Who is it, and what is that one burning question you must ask them?
It would be the question I hate the most and the one I’m asked the most but I would have to ask it. Where do your ideas come from? I hate this question because it’s hard to explain that they just pop in my head then roll around like rocks in a tumbler until they develop into scenes or stories. But I would love to know how it happens for other authors.
6. Inquiring minds want to know…tell readers something about you that no one knows.
If I were to tell something that no one knows then I’d have to kill you to make sure no one knew. So I’ll share something that readers may not know, but anyone who knows me would. I’m a fanatical Pink Floyd fan. Back in the day (oh my God I must be old to say that) I wouldn’t miss a concert anywhere near me. I saw the whole band several times, The David Gilmore incarnation several times and Roger Waters solo. Now I have to go see tribute bands like Brit Floyd or the Australian Pink Floyd. Unfortunately, this year the show I planned to go to was cancelled due to Covid 19. I also planned to see Nick Mason solo as Saucer Full of Secrets but that too was cancelled.
7. You are stranded on a deserted island with only a back pack for company. What three items are in your survival pack?
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. That should keep me entertained over and over. I’ve read it half a dozen times and there are enough stories that I forget the solutions between readings so there is always a surprise.
The other two items are boring. A multipurpose knife and a flint and steel. (Before you say a flint and steel are two items, they are always sold together in the camping store. So I’m counting that as one.) That would give me most of what I would need to survive and what I didn’t have I could make with those two items.
8. If you could have one super power in your existence, what would it be?
Easy immortality. Maybe that’s what I like about vampires. But to live through history and see the events as they unfold, not through the eyes of the victor would be wonderful. Being able to see the development of humanity as it happens rather than through the eyes of others would be amazing.
9. Favorite snack?
The right answer is chips and salsa. Especially Tortilla Scoops because you can get more salsa on the chip. The guilty answer is Double Stuff Oreos.
10. Indy 500 – Do you know how to get where you’re going or do you drive the speed limit?
I never drive the speed limit and the number of tickets I have is a testament to that. But with the top down and wind blowing through your hair, screw the speed limit and have fun. If you’re on a twisty winding two-lane road and the speed limit is 25, that’s just an invitation to see if you can do it at 60. On a more philosophical level I don’t go as fast, but if you slow down too much, you don’t make any progress. As far as where I’m going, no idea. Each day is a new invitation to go someplace new and try something different.

Beverly Hills Torture
by R.W Buxton
GENRE: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance
A frantic middle of the night call jolts Gerry from his quiet, but lonely life, back into a world fraught with dangerous creatures of the night. Erin’s frenzied call leads Gerry across the country where he finds himself immersed in the luxuries of Beverly Hills and the seedier side of the Hollywood strip.
Sadness and longing grip him as he finds a blood-spattered room and Erin is nowhere to be found.
Alone in a strange city with nothing to go on can Gerry find and save Erin? Or is this the end of something never meant to be?
Her past has caught up with her and he’s her only hope.
With a group of trusted friends Gerry takes on the impossible and gives everything to save Erin.
Beverly Hills Torture is the second novel in the Erin Kingsly series. Be sure to check out Capital Thirst.
NOTE: The book is only $0.99.
As he stood there staring, he couldn’t accept that Erin was gone. Now he was the sole person who could save her. Turning, he left his thoughts of Erin behind with the house. He started down over the grass, with no specific destination in mind. He just wanted to wander with his thoughts, trying to clear his mind and determine what the next course of action was.
He couldn’t do anything until Vernon arrived. He hoped Vernon would have some insight about what was going on. These were his people.
Whatever was going on was serious. A life and death matter. The way her bedroom appeared told him that much. Whoever took her wasn’t messing around.
Before Gerry could return to his thoughts, he ran out of lawn. A wrought-iron fence lined with towering, thin cypress trees blocked his path. The fence itself was about ten feet high. “So, there is a limit to her property,” he said out loud.
“Helloooo?” A woman’s voice broke through Gerry’s thoughts like an ice pick splitting a block of ice. “Is someone there?”

AUTHOR Bio and Links:
I love a good paranormal read, something about the un-dead haunts the fringes of my mind. Mix in romance, love, loss, and you have a great story.
I voraciously read everything, fiction, and non-fiction but always find myself turning back to the darker stories. I’ve always wanted to write and the dream became a reality with Capital Thirst, and the remainder of the Erin Kingsly novels.
I spend most of my days designing and building websites, but my free time is devoted to my wife, family, and cats. Yes three grown children and three cats. Things can be hectic.
For fun you might find me driving winding roads with the top down or out photographing nature.
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Thank you for the great interview.
Thanks so much for stopping by and taking time to read it.
Thank you for hosting me today. I’ll be checking in throughout the day to respond to comments.
RW Buxton
Thank you for hosting!
Thank you for organizing the tour.
Sounds like a great read.
Thank you.
RW Buxton
It’s a pleasure to have you here RW! Congratulations on this exciting release!
The cover looks amazing!!
Sounds like a good read!