

Jacquie will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.



The Rebel’s Redemption

by Jacquie Biggar



Annie Campbell has made a good life for her and her young son in the mountain town of Tidal Falls. She’s dating the sheriff, owns a successful business, and has the support of the community. So why isn’t it quite enough?

Jared Martin left Tidal Falls a hotheaded youth, and now, after eight years in the military, he returns a bitter, disillusioned man.

Then he finds out he’s a father.

When an old enemy follows and causes mayhem in the small town, can Jared overcome the odds to protect the woman he’s always loved and the child he never knew, or will it be too late?



Annie’s heart tried to leap out of her chest, one hand muffling her scream, while the other clutched the now half-empty box. Why hadn’t she made sure she locked the door behind the delivery guy this morning? Of all the asinine, irresponsible things to do

“I…I’m sorry, we’re closed right now. Can you ma…maybe come back later?”

Like never.

The stranger—she was pretty sure she’d never seen him before—stayed to the shadows, denying her a clear view of his features. He wore an old-fashioned bowler hat tipped forward over his eyes, and a black greatcoat, one hand tucked into the pocket. She was probably about to star in her own horror flick. Killed with her own merchandise. She could see the headlines already. Annie kept a nervous gaze on that pocket, her imagination going into overdrive.

When the silence threatened to explode in her head, he bent and picked up one of the carving knives she’d graciously sent his way. His thumb skimmed up and down the blade. She didn’t think she’d ever been so scared in her life.

“Please, I have no money. What do you want?”

That got a reaction. His hand stilled on the blade and piercing eyes looked up and pinned her in place. “Tell Martin I here. There is nowhere he can hide.” He threw the knife. Annie gasped and recoiled as the blade flew through the air and embedded itself obscenely in the heart of her sewing mannequin. “Tell him he must pay.” Without another word, he disappeared out the door, a dark wraith.

Annie sank to the floor in a boneless heap. Now that it was over her teeth chattered, and shivers racked her frame. Who was he? What did he want? She wanted to believe it was all a misunderstanding and he’d come to the wrong door, but in her heart she knew better.

This was about Jared.


AuthorPhoto_TheRebelsRedemptionAuthor Bio and Links:

From the time I was twelve years old, I knew I wanted to be a writer. That year I wrote a short story called Count Daffodil for my English Assignment. It garnered me an A and was read aloud through the school’s loudspeaker system. Needless to say, after that I was hooked.

I grew up, got married, raised a family and left my writing urges to simmer in the background unattended.

I owned and operated a successful diner in my hometown for a number of wonderful years. Now I’m ready to take up the writing reins and see how far I can travel.

I expect it to be an exciting, new journey and would be honored to have your company along the way.



a Rafflecopter giveaway

13 Replies to “Jacquie Biggar on Tour: The Rebel’s Redemption”

    1. Great to have you here Jacquie! Thanks for the heart-pounding excerpt and congrats on the release. 🙂

  1. Good morning Mai T.

    I have a quote I try to live by on my web page,

    “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney

    I’ve tried to live my life this way and encouraged my family to do the same.
    If you never try, the answer is no.

  2. great tour, loved reading Rebel’s Redemption, looking forward to next book in series.

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, the next in the series, Twilight Theatre, is slated to be released for early summer.

      I’m currently working on the third book in the Wounded Hearts series tentatively titled, Twilight Theatre. This is the story of a young love gone wrong.

      Ty Garrett loved Katy Fowler from the first moment he saw her. When circumstances yank the young couple apart, Ty becomes angry and bitter.

      Years later Katy returns to Tidal Falls to get married in her favorite place, her family’s theatre not expecting her old life to slam into her new one with the force of an explosion. Ty Garrett, the boy she never forgot, was now the man she needed to help prepare the Twilight theatre for her upcoming wedding.

      When a series of sabotages wreak havoc on the theatre and threaten Katy, can Ty save her and win back her love, or is it too late?

    1. Thanks Glenda 🙂 I’m having a good time writing it. We had a favorite hangout in our hometown when I was growing up called, The Nova Theatre. Every Saturday there was a line-up two blocks long waiting to get in, lol.
      I’m basing Twilight Theatre on my fond memories of time spent there.
      Thanks for stopping by today,

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