

Arby Corry will be awarding $50 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn host.

Author Interview

1. Woohoo! You are a published author. Describe a strong character trait you possess, good or bad, and how it helped you become a published author. I think one of those traits is my ability to read people. I mean, really see them for who they are. Maybe it’s their mannerisms, the expression on their faces, or, I suspect, that glimpse into their heart as they speak. It’s served me well when the time came to develop characters that were anything but one-dimensional. Sometimes that “talent,” if you will, can be annoying because I don’t miss a thing. It’d be so much easier to live in a world of oblivion, but I can’t help that I am constantly catching things others overlook. That comes through in my characters. They are real, talk as real people do and someone, somewhere, loves them despite their flaws.

2. Sometimes an author begins writing a story before they are aware of its genre. Did you choose your genre, or did it choose you? Only in the sense that I knew there was going to be a love story. In fact, it’s central to the story. However, outside of a strong protagonist, the object of her desire, and a dynamic villain, I had no idea what was going to happen next or how we were going to get there. When all was said and done it took me some time to nail down the genre.

3. The plot thickens, or does it? Which one are you, a pantser or a plotter? Apparently, it’s pantser! But I wouldn’t have it any other way. I will always write like that. It just seems to work for me.

4. Fear 101: As writers it is our duty to make our characters face their fears. Have you ever included one of your own fears in a storyline? Likely that would be fear of unfulfilled dreams. My main character, Caila, wants so much for her life but she sees it all slipping away. She’s stuck in not only her job, but also the lifestyle that comes with it. She is all too aware of the ticking clock in her head and becomes, nearly, desperate to break free. But the only thing worse for her than an unfulfilled dream is fear of the unknown. Caila begins to doubt whether or not she really does want a new life. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’ve had the same thoughts milling about in my head.

5. Fear 102: Yes, deadlines are terrifying. Have you conquered the juggling act between writing and the rest of your life? What do you do when it feels like the balls are dropping all around you? To be completely honest, writing (and editing, and re-writing) was the easy part. Not to sound glib, but everything that came after is where I began to feel the pressure. There is something to be said about having your work safely tucked away in your computer where no one will judge it, review it or question your use of punctuation! (As in that exclamation point) So, yes, writing is not only a refuge, but a luxury. I never feel the pressure when writing. It’s welcome time being able to sit in your perfect setting, communing with your story and just feel it clicking.

6. Switch positions with one of your main characters in a scene. What is the outcome, disaster or divine intervention? My protagonist has a habit of getting in her own way, so let me answer that on all fronts – Outcome; Everything will be alright, let life right itself. Disaster; Over-thinking everything to the point of shooing away the people who love you most, especially the object of your desire. Divine intervention; The wisdom of the ancients, okay, Caila’s ever-reliable father, to the rescue.

7. Where is your favorite place to write? Add that one comfort food that you can’t do without. In a beach parking lot adjacent to a lighthouse where I can watch the comings and goings of a Washington State Ferry – while eating some popcorn. Half my story was written from such a place.

8. Writing inspirations? Early on I was influenced by the book, Like Water For Chocolate by Laura Esquivel. It still sticks with me today. I loved her style of writing as there is nothing conventional about it and the book is a living, breathing, delicious adventure.

9. You are introduced to your favorite author. Who is it, and what is that one burning question you must ask them? That would be Pat Conroy. My question? If I cook you dinner on the patio tonight will you stay and tell us a story by campfire afterwards? But seriously, no seriously, that would be awesome – but I’d likely ask him how he so brilliantly melds real life experiences into his stories.

10. I’ve gone mad – why don’t you come with me? Some people just don’t understand us writers. Name a quirky, writer-thing you do that friends wish you didn’t. Not to grab an easy pun, but read them life a book! I’m always sizing up family, friends, co-workers, filing it in my head only to debut them somewhere along the way in a storyline. I’ve been asked, “Is that me?” many-a-time. The easy answer? Read the whole book and feel free to give me a review and I’ll let you know.



Heart-Shaped Stone

by Arby Corry


Caila, like most dreamers, just wants to be wanted. Unlike most dreamers, she’s wanted by the CIA. When the last decade of thirty-two year old Caila Domenici’s life disappears, destroyed in a car accident, she is forced to begin again. Defying doctor’s orders to slow-go-it, she sets out to navigate the world on her own. It’s not going well. Coddled from birth, everything from a bus schedule to how to boil water confounds her. Worse yet, she’s about to accept her meddling mother’s offer to pay for food and rent. With just a hunch her talents extend beyond that of daughter of privilege, Caila searches for her past. Before she can find it, it finds her. And the handsome azure-eyed stranger who’s saying he knows her is somehow part of it. Caila always believed there had to be more, but now, on the verge of discovering the truth, she must decide which is worse – never knowing who she really is, or knowing too much.



Reese was being too nice. Something was up – their deep conversation the night before, the bubble bath, the tea, turning down her bed and now breakfast? Caila wasn’t suspicious by nature, and in most cases trusted more than she should, but where Reese was concerned she dropped all pretenses and questioned his every move. He was much too calculating to not see opportunity in everything he did. Caila recognized that in him right away. Her mind was now churning with theories. Why, if he was up to something, would he be so blatant with this sudden kindness? Did he think she would not notice?

Then she imagined the most unexpected thing.

Maybe he wasn’t up to anything at all. Maybe this was another side to the man she detested right from the start. The invader, the man who came to make her life a living hell and push aside her father may not, after all, be the man she believed him to be. But even that theory was short lived. No, she thought, he has a motive.



Author Bio and Links:

Arby Corry has spent the last twenty-five years in the radio business. Performing every job from radio announcer, to program director, to commercial producer to copy writer, Arby gives voice to characters found just on the other end of the request line.  Her debut novel, Heart-Shaped Stone, has received critical acclaim as well as delighting readers with its fresh approach. Arby believes in real characters, with real voices. And while a happy ending is always satisfying, she believes life has other plans. When not on the air or writing her follow-up to Heart-Shaped Stone, Arby enjoys spending time with her husband, children and the great outdoors of the Pacific Northwest.


Amazon Author Page:  http://www.amazon.com/Arby-Corry/e/B00MS6BC4W

Amazon Buy Link:  http://www.amazon.com/Heart-Shaped-Stone-Arby-Corry/dp/1499798407/ref=la_B00MS6BC4W_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1420998276&sr=1-1

Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8458501.Arby_Corry

BN Buy Link:  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/heart-shaped-stone-arby-corry/1120044084?ean=9781499798401

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