Christine Amsden: Cassie Scot Mystery Giveaway


Cassie Scot Mystery Series

by Christine Amsden


Welcome Christine Amsden with the Cassie Scot Mystery series. Christine is  awarding a $50 Amazon or BN GC to one randomly selected commenter.

Blurb: Book Two

Secrets and Lies

Cassie Scot, still stinging from her parents’ betrayal, wants out of the magical world. But it isn’t letting her go. Her family is falling apart and despite everything, it looks like she may be the only one who can save them.

To complicate matters, Cassie owes Evan her life, making it difficult for her to deny him anything he really wants. And he wants her. Sparks fly when they team up to find two girls missing from summer camp, but long-buried secrets may ruin their hopes for happiness.




Flames now filled the room, along with the smoke. It was incredibly hot, like an oven. The metal doorknob was beginning to glow.

With tears stinging my eyes I dropped the crystal back in my pocket, picked up the mallet, and swung it with all my strength at the wall. It landed with a satisfying thunk, but only managed to inflict a small dent in the heavy wood.

Trying not to feel discouraged, I repeated the exercise. Again and again I swung, throwing all my weight into the movement.

I couldn’t take a full breath. My lungs burned. Tears filled my eyes so I could scarcely see.

Reaching down to pick up my shirt, I draped it over my head and swung again. Finally, I managed to beat a chunk out of the wall.

The flames licked my heels. If I got out of this alive, I would need to take a bath in Nicolas’s burn ointment, but I tried not to think about that as I swung again and again.

My swings were getting weaker. I couldn’t breathe. Racking coughs had claimed my body and the hole in the wall was still too small.

Sinking to my knees, I struggled to hold on to consciousness, but I was no longer sure if I should. My hands and knees against the floorboards were pure agony. Blackness could only hurt less.



Author Bio and Links:

Award-winning author Christine Amsden has written stories since she was eight, always with a touch of the strange or unusual. She became a “serious” writer in 2003, after attending a boot camp with Orson Scott Card. She finished Touch of Fate shortly afterward, then penned The Immortality Virus, which won two awards. Expect many more titles by this up-and-coming author.








a Rafflecopter giveaway

15 responses to “Christine Amsden: Cassie Scot Mystery Giveaway”

  1. Thanks for sharing my books with your readers!

    Ouch, you picked Cassie caught in a fire for the excerpt. I was just rereading that scene yesterday to check the audiobook. (Under production.)

    I’ll be around for questions, if anyone has any.

  2. Thanks for the excerpt and the chance to win!
    Sounds like a great series!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com