Christopher Eric Outridge: Filmmaker of the TAPE ME Horror Series!


Welcome Christopher Eric Outridge, producer of the scary-good TAPE ME horror film series! Get to know this innovative filmmaker as he answers my Ten.

Ten with Chris Outridge


You are a filmmaker. Describe a strong character trait you possess, good or
bad, and how it helped you become a filmmaker.


Chris: One
character trait that has helped me become a filmmaker is my creativity.  I have a very active imagination, and I am
able to film and edit movies in my head while I am writing, reading the script,
directing on set, and editing the footage during post production.  My creativity makes me an extremely visual
person, allowing me to “see” entire movies in my head, and then
translate that information into the physical world to create the movie.   


write what they know, and must observe the world. Are you a first born, middle
or last child and how does this shape your view of the world?


Chris: I
am the second born, and the first born son. 
On top of being a Leo, my position in my family has made me a provider
and a protector of those that I love and care about.  I am an observer well, enjoying to watch and
hear how people interact and react to what is presented to them.  Throughout my life, friends and family have
come to me seeking guidance and advice in their lives, and I have taken many of
these experiences and translated them into my work. 

You are stranded on a deserted island with only
a back pack for company. What three items are in your survival pack?


Chris: This is a very tough question.  I don’t even know how to answer it.  I would have to bring a ton of pineapple
juice because I LOVE pineapple juice.  My
laptop with charger so that I would always be writing and my camera to record
my adventures on this island.  


Fear 101: As a horror filmmaker your characters
face their fears, like, every 15 minutes, I’m guessing. Have you ever included
one of your own fears in a storyline?


Chris: Nope. 
I only have one true fear and it has not been in the Tape Me Horror Film


Hmm…so scary you won’t tell us what that fear
is, huh? All right, we’ll let that one slide…


Fear 102: Yes, deadlines are terrifying. Have
you conquered the juggling act between writing, filming and the rest of your
life? What do you do when it feels like the balls are dropping all around you?


Chris: I
have never found deadlines to be terrifying, and I have always welcomed the
challenge.  I am great at time management
and I organize everything appropriately to complete everything in a timely
manner.  The only things that cause delays
are situations that are out of my control, and when faced with these things, I
make do with what I have to work with and continue on.


I see. A calculating filmmaker who is always in
control. How about we switch it up? Trade places with one of your main
characters in a scene. What is the outcome, disaster or divine intervention?


Chris: Ummmm. 
Well, if I were Faceless, I would do exactly what he is doing in the

scenes, with very little variation.  If I were one of his victims, I would most
likely be dead. 


After viewing the TAPE ME series I’d have to
agree with you, Chris! Where is your favorite place to write your films? Add
that one comfort food that you can’t do without.


Chris: I do a vast majority of my writing on
the train ride going to work every day. 
I place my headphones on, turn on my music, and zone out for an hour
until my stop comes.  My favorite food of
all time is PINEAPPLE.  I love
pineapples, it has become an obsession, and I will eat entire pineapples in one
sitting if not stopped.  

Writing inspirations?


Chris: The SAW series, anything Alfred
Hitchcock, life experiences, Interview With The Vampire, Being Human,
Underworld, 30 Days Of Night, An American Werewolf In London are amongst a few
of my recent inspirations. 


You are introduced to your favorite filmmaker.
Who is it, and what is that one burning question you must ask them?


Chris: Alfred
Hitchcock.  There are so many questions
to ask.   ha ha ha ha. 


Is that Faceless’ laugh? Is it a happy laugh or
an evil laugh? I choose happy, definitely happy. Err, let’s move on.


I’ve gone mad – why don’t you come with me?
Some people just don’t understand us creative folks. Name a quirky thing you do
that friends wish you didn’t.


Chris: Oddly enough, I have friends who wish I
wasn’t as positive and ambitious as I am because they find it annoying.  It isn’t my fault that unnecessary bs doesn’t
bother me and that I am too focused on accomplishing things to be bothered with


Chris, tell us about your nightmarish You-Tube
sensation Faceless.


The TAPE ME Horror Film Series consists of 6
films focusing on the new horror icon, Faceless.
 Faceless video tapes
himself stalking, kidnapping and torturing his victims based on his own
emotional investment in the events of his subjects lives.  He plans on
educating his victims on the error of their ways, devising and cataloging
methods of torture specifically designed to each situation.  Whether
Faceless is reacting out of anger and hatred, or whether he is acting as a
guiding light to the need, his lesson will be learned, and the cost for the
journey is blood.


The journey starts with Tape Me: Intro Reel 1
& 2, where Faceless targets a minor league baseball player named Bradley
who is in need of anger management, and a young Manhattan Movie Reviewer named
Nikita who is in need of a harsh lesson in human compassion.  Then we
continue through Reels 3 – 5, where we introduce more of Faceless’ subjects, as
well as a cast of unique characters who in their own way are in need of
guidance.  Finally, we end with Tape Me: Reel 6 in which these cast of
characters are kidnapped by Faceless and subjected to his most dangerous and
impactful game of all.  


Witness Faceless’ journey for yourself. Check
out CEO Production’s Tape Me: Horror Film Series at the links below.  


TAPE ME Official Website =

CEO Productions Website =

CEO Productions Youtube page =

TAPE ME Facebook Page

2 responses to “Christopher Eric Outridge: Filmmaker of the TAPE ME Horror Series!”

  1. Chris, what a pleasure it is to have you on the blog this week! I have to tell you, TAPE ME is a horror series I could not watch at night. 🙂 Not only is it terrifying, but Faceless’ psychological maneuvers are chilling!