Heartbreakers! Yummy right? They’re bad, they’re
bold and oh, so beautiful to look at. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner
for this blog hop and we’re gearing up to see what makes men heartbreakers? Come
on! Tell me about your heartbreaker!!

Leave a comment and your email address for a chance to win a $5 Amazon Gift card. But that’s not all….

We have THREE grand prizes. You as a reader can go to EACH blog on our Heartbreaker hop and enter to win over 200 times!

Now what are those prizes?


1st Grand Prize: A Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet

2nd Grand Prize: A $100 Amazon or B&N Gift Card

3rd Grand Prize: A Swag Pack that contains paperbacks, ebooks, 50+ bookmarks, cover flats, magnets, pens, coffee cozies, and more!

my heartbreaker Falcon. He’s going by the name of Tony for this special assignment…

After the game, they bought groceries at the old
Roman marketplace. They waved their Napoli flags at a rowdy group of fans
joining the throng of people celebrating on the avenue.

Angelina stopped to make way for the fans cheering
the home team victory. She could not see Tony now that she’d left his side, and
the dancing group closed in.

A sun-bronzed hand grabbed hers, pulling her along,
further away from the laughing group. She had to jog to keep up with Tony while
he forcefully parted the bodies surrounding them.

“I should have worn my sneakers!” She laughed.

They reached the end of the avenue where the crowd
thinned. Angelina saw who held onto her wrist.

The silent man’s brown eyes warned her, before
holding her close. He was not much taller than she was, but he was stocky.
There was strength in the arm he put around her waist. There was no getting
away from him as he dragged her across the busy street.

“Let go of me!”

The man’s grip loosened around her waist and he
stumbled, jerking his head in her direction. Recovering quickly, he reined her
back in, but not before she saw the wariness in his eyes. She almost tripped
over her own feet as the crowd pushed them along.

“Tony!” Her screams blended in with the jovial
shouts around her.

She tried to twist out of the man’s arms, but he
held onto her so tight his arm was pressing into her ribcage. He didn’t look at
her again, but nodded and smiled to the mob of fans that moved toward the town

“Somebody! Please, help me!”

A woman passed by, laughing and waving a flag in
Angelina’s face.

They had reached the other side of the street. She
was being abducted in the midst of a drunken celebration. Tears streamed down
her face and she screamed again as everyone skipped past her and the silent
man, laughing and singing.

She felt rather than saw Tony jump on the man’s
back, dragging him down to the ground, and breaking his hold on her.

Angelina slumped down while Tony and her abductor
wrestled in the middle of the street. While Tony pummeled the silent man in the
face, she backed away on her elbows, never once looking away from his calm,
calculating eyes.

He’s not going to stop.

Tony raised his fist, ready for the descent and the
silent man rolled from underneath him with a groan.

Her abductor fell into the crowd, pushing the bodies
in front of him out of the way.

“Stay here,” Tony ordered, and ran after the man.

She got to her feet but could not see either of
them, only the blood streaks on the ground from her abductor’s beating.

The crowd closed in around her. There was a squeal
of tires as a car pulled away from the curb.

Tony walked back through the crowd. The sweat on his
brow was the only indication that he’d had some exercise. “He wasn’t alone.
There was a car waiting for him. No license plate.”

She didn’t know what she had expected to hear,
certainly not his matter-of-fact tone. When she looked into his eyes, his
unspoken words hung between them. He was going to take you…

Angelina had the distinct impression that if the
silent man had taken her, it would have been his last action on earth. She
stared at her companion of several weeks, a fellow musician with beautiful long
fingers that mastered the piano.

Killing hands. She hugged herself.

Tony murmured something and with a shake of his
head, he opened her arms and lifted her against his chest.

A warrior’s chest. Better than a breastplate. His
next words were so anticlimactic it took a moment for them to register in her

“Are you all right?”

“Yes.” Angelina shook in his arms. He was her Roman
soldier, and she was his battle prize. “Thank you for rescuing me. Again.”

She put her arms around his neck and did what she
wanted to do. She kissed him.

He slanted his mouth over hers, and the crowd

Angelina didn’t know if they were cheering the kiss
or her champion, and she didn’t care. She was more interested in what he was
doing with his tongue and the way her body fit the hard body holding her up.

Neither she nor Tony said anything while she made a
delicious slide down that body and her feet touched the ground.

The last of the crowd moved away towards the
celebration in the square as if they witnessed a beating and a criminal’s
escape every day in this town.

It was some moments before Tony let her go. By the
time he did, she almost protested. He was scanning the street as if he could
track the silent man’s getaway car.

Angelina took the time to compose herself. How she
could feel so violated by her abductor and so completely aroused by her
defender at the same time?

Tony picked up the bag of groceries he’d dropped to
beat the silent man. “Let me get you home.”

Falcon’s Angel is available at Liquid Silver Books


Falcon’s Angel on Amazon: 


Amazon Author Page: 


a Rafflecopter giveaway

91 Replies to “Falcon’s Heartbreaker Blog Hop!”

  1. I love romances because after a long day of work and taking care of the kids its nice to stit and read a good love story. And its not a bad thing if it helps get u in the mood lol

  2. There is just something about it that makes you smile and fill good 🙂

  3. I am a sucker for the Happily Ever After. Romance books almost always have the HEA and I love them because of it. I especially like the PNR books with hot sexy alpha heroes and kick-ass heroines.
    Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win. <^_^>
    reneebennett35 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  4. I’ve been reading romance since I was a pre-teen. I love the passion and the HEA (or HFN).


  5. I like the little things with romance. The sweetness of putting someone else before yourself


  6. I am a sucker for a HEA. I NEED a HEA or even a HFN. I am pathological about needing my happy.
    planterofhope at aol dot com

  7. We all want to love a Heartbreaker. Maybe its because of his chiseled good looks, his bad boy attitude, or the mysterious nature of him. Some Heartbreakers are just that, they know what they got and how to use it to get what they want. Then there are those Heartbreakers that don’t even realize that they are doing it. The best part about a Heartbreaker is that there is always a woman that turns their world upside down until they realize it is love. I have read many Romance Novels over the years and have run into many memorable Heartbreakers and my favorites are usually the ones that don’t even know they are Heartbreakers! Some of my personal favorite Heartbreakers are :

    Kade Jamenson (Werewolf) from An Alpha’s Path. Kade is a sexy werewolf that will make you burn but a mishap with a potential mate makes him not think he will find love.

    Ian MacPhie (Vampire) from All I Want For Christmas is a Vampire. Ian is a heartbreaking Highland Vampire that was frozen in his immortality when he was only 15. With the help of his friend he is given a drug that helps him age to 28 so he could look like a man instead of a child after hundreds of years. He has no idea that he looks of a warrior and the lover.

    Lothaire Daciano (Vampire) from Lothaire. Lothaire is definitely a heartbreaker and his cocky attitude proves it! Thinks he’s a gift to women! Its just the sucker punch from a woman he doesn’t realize is his equal that brings him down a notch.

    Marius Parker from His Contrary Bride. Marius is every part the gentlemen but doesn’t realize he could also easily be the rogue!

    Benjamin Gateway from To Win His Wayward Wife. Benjamin doesn’t realize that he is a heartbreaker because the one woman he loved, he lost….or did he?

    Fury North (Human with Canine DNA) from Fury and Valiant North (Human with Feline DNA) from Valiant. Fury and Valiant are strong New Species and gorgeous to boot, but because they are damaged they doesn’t think they can hold onto to the women they love.

    Sigimor Cameron from Highland Conqueror. Sigimor is every bit the Highland Laird and warrior but can he hold onto to the beautiful English lady?

    Joshua Striker (Werewolf) from Alexandra’s Legacy. Joshua is a scared and battle hard enforcer for his pack and he thinks that he doesn’t have what it takes to make the women melt.

    [email protected]

  8. My favorite part of romance is the very beginning when it’s all fresh and new :).

  9. Romance is so important in our world. It makes our fictional relationships believable (and unbelievable!), movies more eloquent, and keeps my marriage alive. Romance should never be forgotten. Shoot, there should be a class! 😉


  10. Because I really like a happy ending and an story that it’s intense.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    by.evie at yahoo dot com dot br

  11. I love it all, the first meet, the drama, hot smexy action and finally the HEA.


  12. I have to say that i love the excitement, romance, heartaches, laughter,spicyness, and all other feelings that reading anytime of romance novel leaves you with.

    [email protected]

  13. I love how the couple struggles to be together and almost doesn’t work but the happy ending is always there

  14. My favorite thing about romance is that giddy, high on lust, rush of sexiness you feel during romance, the butterflies, clench of the belly, tingle all over feeling…mmmmm, yep that is mt favoire!!!

  15. My favorite things about romance are the emotional buildup and the happy ending.

    doxisrcool at aol dot com

  16. two people you think will never get together finally getting together
    kaholgate (at) ymail (dot) com

  17. My current fave heartbreaker is Gannicus from Starz’s Spartacus.
    Love romance for the journey to HEA.
    bituin76 at hotmail dot com

  18. I love all the hot sexy men, even if they’re not the main leads in the story but maybe will one day have one of their own. Also to feel my single loveless life and crazy imaginative fantasies.


  19. I love the whole idea of romance. I do love an enjoy the simple thing like sweet simple knowing smiles at you, holding each other in your arms, making up after the hard relationship growing pains.

    Judy Peterson
    [email protected]

  20. Reading romance takes me to a world of fantasy away from everyday problems. Thanks for the fantastic giveaway.


  21. What I love about romance is the HEA 🙂 There is ALWAYS as HEA 🙂
    Thanks for the great giveaway!! So many great prizes!! Happy Valentine’s Day!
    Ashley A

  22. Hello Lovely Readers!

    I’m cutting in here to say I LOVE YOU. 🙂
    I’m loving your comments, they’re sparking ideas for my WIP’s. It’s great to hear how you feel! Keep ‘um coming, keep hoppin’ and Happy Heartbreaker’s Hop!

  23. I like romance because of the chemistry between the characters and dialogs!
    verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

  24. I love the courtship and all the tingling feelings you get… Love a HEA!!


  25. Sometimes I like to read a nice romance novel, just to remember there could be real romantic Love 🙂

  26. My Fav Heartbreaker is Quinn from Broken Promises. He’s dark and sexy but can’t entirely control his actions. 🙂 He goes from being a good guy to a bad and I hope at the end of the series he becomes a mix of both personally. But he’s my favorite heartbreaker.

    naughtybitsbookreviews@ yahoo.com

  27. My favorite thing about romance is the characters and how you are able to imagine yourself in another romantic world aside from your own.

    Thanks for the chance to win! My e-mail is [email protected]

  28. I love happy endings. Yes relationships are hard work but I like seeing the characters work and end up together at the end

  29. If you mean romance novels then it is experiencing something vicariously that I no longer have in life.

  30. I may not have much experience in the whole love department, but I have had my heart broken. Being considered a Heartbreaker can come from various actions that you do. I am a newbie when it comes to reading romance books but what I have learned is that it is not bad to have a chiseled body or an amazing personality. If you look at it over all, if you never put your heart out there, you may never have a chance at true love and happiness. I may get broken once in a while but only you are strong enough to pick yourself up and try all over again. One of my favorite Heartbreakers is Taylor Qualls the Earl of Sandlin from the book His Impetuous Debutante. Lady Phoebe kinda reminds me of myself, accident prone and finding trouble in every corner. Taylor doesn’t think he is good enough for Phoebe, so he’s a heartbreaker and doesn’t know it.

    [email protected]

  31. My favorite part of a romance is falling into another place and time. I like to get away once in a while.
    Thanks for participating in this awesome hop. Have a good one!
    Michelle Tucker
    michelletucker at baconnation dot net

  32. My favorite things that I love best about romances are the happy endings. Finding that true love that IS TRUE. The steamy love scenes to 😀

  33. I love romances. They make me want more out of life they make you feel good and loved. And I love shifters that say “mine” gets me every time!

  34. I love romances because you are know you will get a happy ending every time.
    koonie2888 at yahoo dot com

  35. I love romance and happy endings. It’s great when two people struggle through life but love makes it worth it.

    skye4774 AT yahoo DOT com

  36. I love reading romances & the chemistry between the characters. Thanks for the giveaway!

    JessieL62 AT comcast DOT net

  37. Thank you all for hoppin!
    It is so much fun, let’s do it again soon. 🙂

    Congratulations, Kim B.! You are Falcon’s winner. 🙂 Enjoy!

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