
Kristabel will be awarding a $25 Amazon or BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a PDF of one of Kristabel’s back list, winner’s choice, to a randomly drawn host.

Wicked Seduction: A Victorian Ménage at the Parisian Exposition

by Kristabel Reed



She came to the Parisian Fair for adventure…what she found far exceeded her every expectation. Sex and adventure abound, and Victoria is caught up in the bliss she, Edmund, and Warren create. She wants more, craves it, but is terrified of the consequences. Scandal is around every corner; when she meets one head on will she flee? Or will she realize the power of her ménage is stronger than merely sex?



Excerpt One:

Try as she might, all Victoria clearly knew was that doing this, taking this step, was her decision.

The crowds began to thin, and she roused herself. Eleven at night, and the fair finally closed for the day. She watched them leave, watched the couples and groups of friends, the laughing men and chattering women stream past her. Planning to join them on their way out of the fair, she started when a deep male voice addressed her.

“Miss,” the man said and Victoria whirled to face him. “We noticed you were on your own here. Would you care for an escort to your companions? Or,” the man added with a knowing spark in his eye, “to the gate or a hackney?”

Victoria looked between the man, tall, very handsome with dark hair and deep eyes, and his blonde, younger companion who stood silently, but not docilely, beside him. A warmth moved through her at the sight of them but she tried to dismiss it.

“I’ve no companion this evening,” she admitted.

“May we then escort you to your hotel?” the younger man offered.

“Forgive me,” the older man said and bowed deeply. “I’m Warren Blackfield and this is my associate, Edmund Garrison.”

The younger man bowed as well and murmured, “A pleasure.”

“Victoria,” she began then stopped short of offering her surname. The two men sounded English, very proper, dressed in the finest Saville Row had to offer, but she enjoyed her anonymity here, and wished to maintain it.

“Victoria…?” Edmund asked.

“Just Victoria,” she repeated.



Author Bio and Links:

Kristabel Reed lives on the East Coast and loves to explore the steamier side of historical romance. Historical ménages in particular-they add an element of danger and discovery to make them all the hotter. Contemporary ménages are a world unto themselves, and her upcoming Havenbrook Ménages Series will tell the tale of a small California town.

She loves reading, watching old movies, and anything Cary Grant. And is always interested in talking about erotic romance. Because…yum!








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