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Author Interview Darcia Garcia
How did you choose your genre? What made you write the book?
I fell in love with Contemporary Romance at a young age. I knew that should I ever write a book it would be a romance. After holding back for much too long I was inspired by a friend who has since passed away to go for it. So I did.
Writers write what they know and must observe the world. Are you firstborn, middle, or last and how does this shape your view of the world?
I am number four of five children and the only girl. With four brothers I can tell you that there was very little of the romantic in my home. I think it absolutely impacted my need to stick with what I consider a very feminine genre.
Where is your favorite place to write?
I have a beautiful space outside on my lanai. I love it there.
How do you feel about killing your darlings and what do you do with the remains?
I hate killing my darlings. I really do. It is so painful because work went into that darling and time and sweat and possibly a curse word or two but I will do it if I believe it will enhance my current body of work. Sometimes the remains can be recycled, sometimes not. It’s a crapshoot.
You are introduced to your favorite author. Who is it and what is the one burning question you want to ask them?
I adore Nora Roberts. I would say my burning question would be whether or not, after having a book published, has she ever read it and hated it? I often wonder what great authors think of their body of work after it’s out there.
You are stranded on a desert island with only a backpack. What three items are in your survival pack?
Water, my laptop, and clean underwear.
If you could have one superpower in your existence what would it be?
The ability to cure cancer.
Favorite snack?
Walnuts and fresh strawberries.
Indy 500- Do you know how to get where you’re going or do you do the speed limit.
Totally know where I’m going!!
Megan’s Choice
by Darci Garcia
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
Megan Cunningham could never have imagined she would meet her handsome neighbor while chasing her badly behaved Boston Terrier Lucy but that is exactly what happened! After careening headlong into Brice Castillo’s chest and gazing into his icy blue eyes the fireworks began!
Brice is head over heels for the beautiful blonde and cannot help but pursue her. Still, there is something he is holding back that may just keep these two hearts apart forever! They are both determined to find a way and may just have sealed their happily ever after.
Panicked, Megan reached the open door. Just as she was about to enter, she crashed
headlong into a chest. A very large, very male chest. Immediately a strong hand
grasped her shoulder, helping to steady her as she rocked back from the impact.
Breathless, she looked up. The stranger’s eyes were startling, an icy blue mixed with
slate. “Extraordinary,” she thought, fascinated by their hue.
“Are you ok?” the man asked, his brow furrowed in concern.
“What?” Megan babbled, staring up at him, completely unable to form a cohesive thought.
“This is exactly why you’re still single,” she thought, still mute. Just then Lucy began barking furiously. Horrified, Megan observed her errant dog as she ran deliriously over the stranger’s very expensive leather couch. Her tongue hung almost to her feet as she trailed drool joyously. The man had turned away from her, both of them staring incredulously.
“Is that your dog?” he asked without turning. “That dog?” Megan squeaked. “No. I mean yes, yes of course she is,” then, pushing past the stranger, Megan ran towards Lucy who wasn’t the least bit concerned by the murderous look on Megan’s face.
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Darci Garcia is a contemporary romance writer with a penchant for including members of the animal kingdom in her stories. Although she studied business, her first love has always been the written word.
She believes a sense of humor can cure most anything and laughs at herself most of all.
An animal rights activist, she has spent most of her life working behind the scenes assisting in the rescue of dogs.
These days you will find her in sunny Florida, although she was born and raised in New England, which, she maintains, still holds her heart. She is living out her own happily ever after along with her husband, children, and of course her rescues which, at last count, equaled five!
Buy Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09N54XLB3
iTunes: http://books.apple.com/us/book/id1598973641
Instagram: @shemakeswordsmagical
A great interview and I love the dog on the cover.
Thanks for hosting!
It’s a pleasure to have you here Darci! Congratulations on this exciting release!
I loved your superpower you picked! Great answer! Thanks for the chance.
Fantastic interview, Darci, I enjoyed the excerpt as well and Megan’s Choice sounds like a wonderful book for me to enjoy! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a splendid day!
Thanks for the great interview. The book sounds like a wonderful read. I love the cover!
I really need to read a Nora Roberts book, I keep hearing about how good they are! I purchased one of her books a while back but still haven’t read it. Your book sounds great, thanks for sharing
I love the cover and the book excerpt.
I love the cover, synopsis and excerpt, this is a must read for me. Thank you for sharing the author’s bio and book details