M.T. Bass will be awarding a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Author Interview
- How did you choose your genre? What made you write this book?
I’m going back to my original roots–back to the mystery genre. While my first novel, My Brother’s Keeper, was set in 1950, the Murder by Munchausen Trilogy moves into the future, where cops find themselves tracking down hijacked PSAs—Personal Services Androids—who have been hacked and reprogrammed by cyberpunks into hit men. While everybody else seemed to be writing Night of the Living Dead remakes, I was trying to figure out who the next mortal enemy to mankind was going to be. I woke up one morning with the entire first scene in my head with Jake and EC tracking down an errant robot in a warehouse and it took off from there. The best part was some of the smartest people in the world—like Elon Musk, Stephen Hawkings, and Bill Gates—started warning us all about how the dangers of Artificial Intelligence will destroy humanity as we know it. That seemed to be a pretty good omen for my story.
- Writers write what they know, and must observe the world. Are you a first born, middle or last child and how does this shape your view of the world?
I am the oldest of five, but I’m not really sure how it’s shaped my view of the world. What is more important than writing what you know is to know about what you write. I’ve never been a cop, or a lawyer or a Navy SEAL, all of whom have appeared in my stories. If I only put down on paper what’s already in my own head, that will get pretty boring, pretty quickly. So, you have to dig in and figure that stuff out. After all I’m a writer—and not only that, but a fiction writer. Which means at heart I am down deep, you know, a liar.
- Where is your favorite place to write?
I’m not particular about where I write, just that I’m writing. It used to be easy with a laptop, but I bought a Bluetooth keyboard and now I can work right on my iPad mini, which is even better. The funny thing is how I adjust my schedule to make time to write. When my kids were young, I wrote in the evenings after they were put to bed. Now, I’m up at five in the morning to scribble things out. That’s when it’s quiet.
- How do you feel about killing your darlings, and what do you do with the remains?
I drive them out to the park and encourage them to take candy from strangers in panel trucks. No remains, but I’ve seen a couple on the backs of milk cartons.
- You are introduced to your favorite author. Who is it, and what is that one burning question you must ask them?
If I could corner Joseph Heller, I’d ask him, “What the hell, man?” Catch-22 is my all time favorite book and I just have to know, how in the hell did he come up with all those colorful characters and all the zany antics. It just boogles my mind beyond Monte Python.
- Inquiring minds want to know…tell readers something about you that no one knows.
Even though I’m a Commercial Pilot and Certified Flight Instructor, I’m afraid of heights. I swear that there is a huge amount of difference between altitude under you wings, and stepping out of a perfectly good airplane—even with a parachute. My brother-in-law said I’m not afraid of heights. I’m afraid of falling. He’s now my favorite brother-in-law.
- You are stranded on a deserted island with only a back pack for company. What three items are in your survival pack?
A Wilson soccer ball, a magic marker, and an air pump.
- If you could have one super power in your existence, what would it be?
If only my hindsight was 20/20.
- Favorite snack?
Almost anything chocolate.
- Indy 500 – Do you know how to get where you’re going or do you drive the speed limit?
I’m not sure where the finish line is, but I’m driving like hell to get there with the top down and my radio turned up to eleven.

Murder by Munchausen Trilogy by M.T. Bass
GENRE: Mystery
A Cyber Crime Thriller Series: Notorious serial killers digitally resurrected to live & hunt again in hacked replicants, pursued by detectives of the Artificial Crimes Unit.
The Darknet Chapter 18 – A Hillside Dump
The ride to the crime scene was deathly silent. Nothing personal. That was just Jake’s usual way, an angry meditation to prep for facing down the grim reaper’s handy work. I could have let the Crown Vic chauffeur us but driving gave me something to do. It was a short trip down the Shoreway towards Battery Park. We got off at West 49th Street, near the Parkview Nite Club, a blues club Jake used to haunt in his youth until it went too upscale for his taste. The collection of official vehicles with flashing lights on Herman Avenue made GPS unnecessary.
As usual, Jake jumped out and went right for the body before the engine was even off. I tracked down the patrol unit that was first on the scene to get briefed. The guys were responding to a call from Animal Control which got a call from an elderly dog walker who noticed a growing circleof buzzards overhead and called to get a presumed carcass removed from the neighborhood before it drew coyotes which surely, she feared, would have eventually turned their hunger towards her beloved Bichon. I spotted her easily, cradling her pet in her arms among the gaggle of gawkers pooling outside the crime scene tape. Even though patrol had taken her statement, I went to speak with her. I didn’t expect to get much more from her—and I didn’t—but sometimes it’s more about “customer relations” than police work, and witnesses feel slighted if they don’t get to speak with a detective. Something Jake had no patience for…

AUTHOR Bio and Links:
M.T. Bass is a scribbler of fiction who holds fast to the notion that while victors may get to write history, novelists get to write/right reality. He lives, writes, flies and makes music in Mudcat Falls, USA.
Born in Athens, Ohio, M.T. Bass grew up in St. Louis, Missouri. He graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University, majoring in English and Philosophy, then worked in the private sector (where they expect “results”) mainly in the Aerospace & Defense manufacturing market. During those years, Bass continued to write fiction. He is the author of eight novels: My Brother’s Keeper, Crossroads, In the Black, Somethin’ for Nothin’, Murder by Munchausen, The Darknet (Murder by Munchausen Mystery #2), The Invisible Mind (Murder by Munchausen Mystery #3) and Article 15. His writing spans various genres, including Mystery, Adventure, Romance, Black Comedy and TechnoThrillers. A Commercial Pilot and Certified Flight Instructor, airplanes and pilots are featured in many of his stories. Bass currently lives on the shores of Lake Erie near Lorain, Ohio.
M.T. Bass Author Links:
Website: https://www.mtbass.net
Blog: https://www.owl-works.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/owlworks/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Owlworks
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/author/mtbass
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5270962.M_T_Bass
M.T. Bass Website Links
Murder by Munchausen Trilogy Page: https://mtbassauthor.wordpress.com/murder-by-munchausen-trilogy/
Murder by Munchausen Page: https://mtbassauthor.wordpress.com/scribblings/murder-by-munchausen/
The Darknet Page: https://mtbassauthor.wordpress.com/scribblings/the-darknet-murder-by-munchausen-mysteries-2/
The Invisible Mind Page: https://mtbassauthor.wordpresys.com/scribblings/the-invisible-mind-murder-by-munchausen-future-crime-mystery-3/
Murder by Munchausen Purchase Links
The book will be on sale for $0.99.
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Murder-Munchausen-Trilogy-Future-Mystery-ebook/dp/B07QDGHYZ6
Amazon – Murder by Munchausen: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01NBTE2C5
Amazon – The Darknet: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1946266035
Amazon – The Invisible Mind: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DFF75L3
Apple Books
Apple Books – The Darknet: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/darknet-murder-by-munchausen-future-crime-mystery-book/id1308636037?mt=11
Apple Books – The Invisible Mind: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/invisible-mind-murder-by-munchausen-future-crime-mystery/id1347259796?mt=11
Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble – Murder by Munchausen: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/murder-by-munchausen-future-crime-mysteries-mt-bass/1126893450?ean=2940154482971
Barnes & Noble – The Darknet: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/books/1127398596?ean=2940154614679
Barnes & Noble – The Invisible Mind: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-invisible-mind-mt-bass/1127943545
Kobo Books
Kobo Books – Murder by Muchausen: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/murder-by-munchausen-future-crime-mysteries-book-1-1
Kobo Books – The Darknet: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-darknet-murder-by-munchausen-future-crimes-mysteries-book-2
Kobo Books – The Invisible Mind: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-invisible-mind-murder-by-munchausen-future-crime-mysteries-book-3
Smashwords – Murder by Munchausen: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/739086
Smashwords – The Darknet: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/757j708
Smashwords – https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/789818
Audio Books – Murder by Munchausen
Listen to Sample: https://soundcloud.com/user-228147948/murder-by-munchausen-by-mt-bass-audiobook-sample
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Murder-Munchausen-Future-Crime-Mysteries/dp/B07VYVVCVX
Apple: https://books.apple.com/us/audiobook/murder-by-munchausen-sci-fi-police-procedural-techno/
Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Murder-by-Munchausen-Audiobook/B07VXS568M
Audiobooks.com: https://www.audiobooks.com/audiobook/murder-by-munchausen-a-sci-fi-police-procedural-techno-thriller/387085
Barnes & Noble: https://www.nookaudiobooks.com/audiobook/1003799/murder-by-munchausen
Chirp Audiobooks: https://www.chirpbooks.com/audiobooks/410042
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/audiobooks/details/M_T_Bass_Murder_by_Munchausen?id=AQAAAEAs9li2ZM
Kobo Books: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/audiobook/murder-by-munchausen
The cover is attention getting.
Hi Mary —
Thanks for the compliment. If you’re interested, here’s a guest blog about how I came up with my design.
Hope you enjoy the books (which by the way are available as a box set in Kindle Unlimited).
Thanks for hosting!
Spooky cover..it reminds me of Terminator. Sounds exciting!!
Hello! Thanks so much for sharing your book with us. Always fun reading about another book to enjoy.
Who is your favorite author? Congrats on the release.
Hi Bernie —
Well…I guess if I went with my all time favorite book, Catch 22, it would be Joseph Heller. Though I have to admit, I’ve been kind of afraid to read his other novels, especially Closing Time, because I don’t want to “spoil the illusion” of that great World War II satire.
Great post – I enjoyed reading it!
Which character was your favorite character to write for?
Hi Bernie —
Q is both good guy and bad guy all wrapped up in one as a techno-wizard-hacker for the cops…sometimes. Working that end of things was fun.
Enjoyed reading the author’s interview. Love that cover.
Would you ever like to see your book turned into a book or tv show?
Hi Bernie —
Absolutely — Either one really. Seems like it might be a good Netflix binge-watch kind of show.
Who are some of your favorite authors still currently writing?
HI Bernie —
Definitely Carl Hiaasen is at the top of my list. I’m also quite fond of Christopher Moore, Caihm McDonnell and Jay Spencer Green..
For police procedurals, I come back to the Bosch series from Michael Connelly and Craig Johnson’s Longmire books.
I love the cover!
How did the story change from your first draft to your final draft?