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Scandal’s Bride
by Pamela Gibson
GENRE: Historical (Regency)
Author Interview
- How did you choose your genre? What made you write this book?I found Regency romances through the kindness of the owner of a small bookstore in my hometown. She knew I loved history and suggested Mary Balogh’s books. I fell in love with the genre and read everything I could get my hands on, including old Barbara Cartland books.After writing Scandal’s Child, my first Regency beta readers thought Gwen should have a book of her own. I added an epilogue with a peek at what the next book might be about and I was off and running.
- Writers write what they know, and must observe the world. Are you a first born, middle or last child and how does this shape your view of the world?I’m firstborn. My younger brother died of leukemia when I was six and he was three. My baby sister at the time grew up to be my best friend. The death of my brother shaped my world view more than my birth order. I became quiet, introspective, a loner who escaped in books and stories I made up for myself. I strived toward perfection to please my parents so they wouldn’t be sad.Birth order does color one’s view of the world and the circumstances affecting my development probably reinforced the firstborn traits. I tried very hard to live up to and even exceed my parents’ expectations. I became president of every organization I joined, although it was sometimes physically painful to stand up in front of a group and “be on display.” I became a responsible, socially conscious adult hiding well a few insecurities. My characters tend to be bolder, more assertive, more impetuous than I ever was. But my heroines often have that underlying layer of self-doubt that I have, even to this day.
- Where is your favorite place to write?I write on a comfy couch staring at the beveled glass of the front door, but I can write anywhere. I wrote this post in a crowded waiting room while my partially disabled husband had physical therapy. I’ve also written in airports, hospitals, coffee shops and hotel rooms. I once wrote five thousand words in a casino restaurant.I find I can erase a noisy background without earbuds. Once I’m in a groove, the world I’m in is the one onthe screen in front of me.
- How do you feel about killing your darlings, and what do you do with the remains? I hate to admit how often I’ve done this. My first sale was to Entangled Publishing for their Bliss line, but I had submitted originally to Select, one of their lines using longer books. I had to cut 20,000 words out of that book, erasing an entire secondary story I was quite fond of. I tucked it away in my computer and fourbooks later I resurrected the heroine in that story and was able to use some of those original words. Nothing that drastic has happened since, but with each book, my writing gets tighter and I have bought into the concept of necessity. If the scene doesn’t add anything to the character development, the plot, or the atmosphere, it goes. Occasionally, if there are phrases that might be used in another book, I keep it inthe graveyard of murdered words. Usually, not.
- You are introduced to your favorite author. Who is it, and what is that one burning question you must ask them?I have so many, but the first author who blew me away was Mary Balogh. I read every one of her gazillionbooks and have re-read a few. I would love to know her writing process and how she’s been able to do this work for so many years. I still love her books and she is still prolific.
- Inquiring minds want to know…tell readers something about you that no one knows.I’m happy to share anything, well, almost. The bit I usually share is that in 2006 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I am a proud, happy survivor and I urge every woman to get a mammogram every year. It saved my life because the tumor was in an early stage and I was about to go off on a sailing trip with my husband in a small boat and would have missed the following year’s mammogram entirely.On a more mundane level, I’m a chocoholic, I was once a baton twirler, I played Anne Frank in my high school play, and I cruised five thousand miles over eight months in a 32-foot boat.
- You are stranded on a deserted island with only a back pack for company. What three items are in yoursurvival pack?I’m assuming the island has edible plants and water. My backpack would contain a knife, a survival guide, and a fully-charged satellite phone.
- If you could have one super power in your existence, what would it be?I would have the ability to close my eyes, click my heels, and transport myself anywhere in the world or in time (and be able to return, too), just like Dorothy in the Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
- Favorite snack?I’m a stress eater, so I stuff myself with whatever is on hand, especially when I’m pacing and working through a plot problem. Chocolate is my snack of choice and I’ve been known to scarf down a half a package of Nestles chocolate morsels when super stressed. Lately I’ve foregone chocolate for tiny flavored rice cakes. Filling, but fewer calories.
- Indy 500 – Do you know how to get where you’re going or do you drive the speed limit? Not sure what you’re asking, so I’ll answer in my own way. My journey has been one of twists and turns. I was married at 18, not expec!ng to “nish college. I did and got a master’s degree. A$er my divorce I se&led down, expec!ng to stay in one place with my two children, focusing on my career in city management. I didn’t. I married again, packed up my kids and went sailing for six months. When we returned, I went back to work and wrote a few books on local history, never expec!ng to write “c!on. A decade later—having reached my career goals—I began dabbling in wri!ng again and eventually sold a contemporary romance. At that point I took an early re!rement. My kids were grown. My husband and Iwent cruising again—this !me in a power boat. Most of my novels were wri&en and published during the four years we cruised. Now I’m back on land
Marry in haste…
Lady Gwendolyn Pettigrew longs to be a mother, but refuses to marry the lecherous old fool her father has found for her. When her best friend convinces her to consider her husband’s younger brother as a suitable candidate, Gwen agrees to a marriage of convenience, hoping against hope that her dream of becoming a mother will have a chance.
The Hon. John Montague, a penniless younger son, is handsome, witty, and thrilled that a woman with a dowry has agreed to wed him. Best of all she’s a fiercely independent bluestocking, a woman who won’t want to bother with a family. Because John has a shocking secret. He’s vowed never to bring a child into the world, a child who, like his own mother, might carry the strain of madness.
As secrets unfold, tension grows, threatening the fragile bonds they’ve forged. Worse, someone wants them to abandon their home and leave Yorkshire, and they’ll stop at nothing to make it happen.
“May I come in?”
A frisson of excitement made every nerve ending tingle in anticipation. Did he want to consummate their marriage tonight? She looked down at her serviceable white cotton nightgown with its high neck and long sleeves. She’d put it on because it was heavy and warm. If she’d known John would be joining her in her bed, she would have left her hair loose and worn the pretty gown Miranda had given her as a wedding gift.
Oh Lord, oh Lord.
She let out the breath she didn’t even realize she was holding. Pulling the covers up to her chin, she called out, “Come in.”
He poked his head through the door. His coat and waistcoat were off, and his cravat was in his hand. He looked mussed and adorable.
“I want to apologize for my behavior. I shouldn’t have run off like I did. I was feeling . . . ill-tempered . . . and didn’t want to subject you to my mood. I promise not to do it again.”
She peeked over the top of her covers. “You are forgiven. But I must say I was worried about you. Where did you go?”
“I rode toward the village, turned around, and came back. I gave my horse a good gallop and then a rub down in the stable.”
“I see.” She paused, not knowing what else to say.
He smiled. “We’ll play whist tomorrow night. I know you enjoy the game.”
“I shall look forward to it.”
“Good night, Gwen.” He closed the door firmly, and his footsteps echoed down the hall.
Why were her eyes filling with tears?

AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Author of eight books on California history and twelve romance novels, Pamela Gibson is a former City Manager who lives in the Nevada desert. Having spent the last three years messing about in boats, a hobby that included a five-thousand-mile trip in a 32-foot Nordic Tug, she now spends most of her time indoors happily reading, writing, cooking and keeping up with the antics of her gran-cats, gran-dog, and gran-fish. Sadly, the gran-lizard went to his final reward. If you want to learn more about her activities go to https://www.pamelagibsonwrites.com and sign up for her blog and quarterly newsletter. Or follow her in these places:
Bookbub: www.bookbub.com/profile/pamela-gibson
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pamgibsonwrites/
Twitter: www.twitter.com/pamgibsonwrites
Website: www.pamelagibsonwrites.com
Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/pamgibsonwrites
This cover is absolutely beautiful.
Thank you! I think so, too.
Thank you for hosting today.
I am enjoying these tours and finding all the terrific books my family is enjoying reading. Thanks for bringing them to us and keep up the good work.
Thank you so much for featuring my book. I love finding new blogs.
Hi Pamela, thank you for the insightful interview! It’s a pleasure to have you here. Congrats on this exciting release.
Sounds like a book I will enjoy reading.
Great post – sounds like my kind of book 🙂
Congrats on the new release! Thanks for sharing the great interview and excerpt.