Christmas2The family together, the friends, the laughs, the food, the gag gifts, I treasure it all. That is my wish for you – to treasure it all. One day you will look back at this moment with your loved ones and say remember when…

Make it a good memory. Love your family and your friends. Be a friend. Give a laugh, get one. Be a great dad or an awesome mom, one your children’s friends envy.

My mother always said, “Leave your troubles at the door.” She always had a smile on her face, just happy to be here in this world, with her children no matter what she was going through. Life is tough enough without bringing it home to your family.

A smile on your face can make you feel better and if it doesn’t, remember this: you are equipped with everything you need in this life to succeed. You were born that way. You are a Masterpiece. Valuable. Talented.

Be happy. Live your life to the fullest because while you are here on this earth this is your season. Your special time.

From my house to yours, Merry Christmas! Make this your very best Christmas ever. Make all your dreams come true in the New Year.