Adriatic street


Welcome to Paranormal Fragment Friday, a weekly blog hop just right to start off a month-long celebration of the spookiest time of year. This week I am featuring Falcon’s Angel, A Cardiff Novel Book 1. This excerpt is from a precious life in which my hero and heroine first met.




The trees stilled. The incessant rustlings of the night creatures in the forest ceased.

He shouldn’t have known that voice calling to him in this strange wood, but he did. A year in the grave, and  Margaux called to him.

The moon reflected on the quiet water and called to him with as much determination as he felt pulling off his Hessians and wading in. He was knee-deep in the stream before he considered how deep the dark water might be.

Turning full circle, he searched for the moon, which had disappeared. There was no moon tonight yet Carlo saw the moon across the water.

He dunked his head once and then swam above water, keeping an eye on the white light, which was too low in the trees to be the moon.

Margaux had been silent these last few minutes but he could still hear the urgency of her call. He could not see Margaux but across the stream the trees, previously indiscernible this black night, shined a verdant emerald, glowing from a source of light.

Carlo climbed the bank. The sphere of light in the distance grew as he approached.

He forged a path through the brush as if the stones beneath his feet were soft grass. He did not dare say her name aloud for fear the light would disappear and the forest would cloak him in darkness once again. After all this time, had she come to him?

Carlo walked faster.

Shaking now and blinded by the white light, he shielded his eyes with one arm and with the other outstretched, entered the sphere.


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