Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy
Contemporary Romance
Champagne Books
Date: March 3, 2013
Level: Steamy
70,000 words
Prize is 15 eBook copies of “Urban Renewal” (1 each to 15
winners). Contest is tour-wide, open internationally and ends Mar 23. Must
be 18 years of age or older to enter.
Links: Coming
star Mercedes Montague has it all – the fame, the fortune, and the glittering
celebrity lifestyle. But she lost
herself somewhere along the way. On a publicity tour for her next movie she
realizes she’s just fifty miles from her hometown. Mercedes – real name Marie Dillard – decides
to bolt and go home to see if she can find what’s left of herself. Hiding away in her grandparents’ old home in
a working class neighborhood she’s haunted by memories and reminders of her
first and only love, Joe Shelby.
Marie’s stunned when Joe shows up at her
door. Passion kindles between them from
the first moment their eyes meet but she won’t let it consume her unless it’s
going to include a lasting love. As they renew their relationship, Marie and
Joe face many struggles.
a movie star return to reality or is love just a distant dream?
shadows cast by the streetlights and passing vehicles danced on the wall of
Marie’s bedroom as Joe undressed her with slow hands. He took his time,
unhurried, and his fingers lingered to caress her skin. Her skin became
ultra-sensitive, responsive to the slightest stroke. Anticipation rippled
across her flesh with delicious delight and a wild sense of intoxication swept
over her. Marie hadn’t had anything to drink but she experienced the same high
rush, drunk on Joe’s physical presence.
raked her fingers across his bare back and adored the sound he made, not quite
a grunt or a moan. He retaliated by caressing her breasts and burying his face
against them. She had known his body once and although a few years of wear
showed, it hadn’t changed much as Marie explored it. Her hands followed the
curve of his hip, the cleft between his legs as if she were blind.
traced the outline of her ribs with one finger, tantalizing and ticklish.
“You’re too damn skinny,” he said as his fingers touched bone just below the
skin. “But you’re sexy as hell anyway.”
up and kiss me,” Marie replied, the line an old one from their past. In their
earliest attraction period, Joe teased her unmercifully and she would often
snap at him, “Shut up,” but she never wanted him to quit. He hadn’t.
wish is my command, movie star princess,” Joe told her, laughter in his voice.
the moment his mouth touched hers, she burned with fire. His hot lips melted
her body into pliant wax, his to do whatever he wished. Joe kissed her with the
same slow nonchalance, no hurry, and his indolence drove her wild. The more she
ached for release, the harder Marie coveted wildness, the slower Joe became and
the more deliberate.
sense came to attention as high voltage desire increased through Marie, her
body arcing with want and need. Marie’s desire amplified each noise; his soft
grunts and the sound of their flesh against naked skin. With her head against
Joe’s chest to nibble, to offer what they used to call a hickey, Marie heard
the steady sound of his heartbeat. Despite the dimness in the room she saw
Joe’s nude body with perfect clarity, his pale skin silhouetted against the
dark as if illuminated. She supposed he could see her just as well. His taste
lingered on her tongue and his masculine aroma, three parts just Joe and one
part men’s cologne, filled her nose, heady as a love charm. Marie marveled at
the sensation beneath her fingertips whether she touched the smooth skin of his
back or the tight curly hair surrounding his balls.
love marks bruised his chest but not where it would show and as he fondled her,
Joe talked. She didn’t always listen but Marie enjoyed the sound of his voice
in her ears, loving and familiar. He paused on her lower right side and his
fingers traced the scar there.
had your appendix out after you left here, didn’t you?” he asked as if it
mattered. It didn’t, though, nothing counted but this moment and the love
between them.
she answered, distracted. “It was a long time ago. Forget about it.”
said something but she didn’t hear it as sensations claimed her. He knelt on
the floor and his hand caressed her mound, his fingers straying into her inner
sanctum. Joe’s touch delivered pleasure but it increased her need. “Ohhh!” she
cried, arching her back as the spirals of pleasure scalded her body. “Joe, do
an odd little voice, part of a game they used to play, he said, “All in good
time, my pretty, all in good time.”
he backed her up against the bed where she’d slept since childhood Marie
thought she might die of want. Sexual tension built between them, as potent and
volatile as a brewing storm. She didn’t remember lying down or know if she
toppled onto the bed or what but once she knew she had a mattress beneath her,
she writhed into position. Her legs scissored around his torso and locked tight
as he lowered himself onto her.
you want me, Marie?” Joe asked, the first man to use her real name during sex
in decades, maybe the only one who ever did.
yes, yes!”
her hands reached upward to grasp his shoulders, Joe grabbed them and held them
as he entered her in one swift, strong motion. He filled her and as her body
quivered with impact Marie clenched her inner walls to tighten around him, to
stroke. His wordless outcry of pure joy encouraged her to do it again and then
again. In his reaction Joe let loose her hands and she grabbed him, holding on
tight. Their bodies bucked against one another in a harsh battle, a sweet
dance, and a tender expression of love all in one.
the last moments her nails clawed his back and she screeched, guttural and
hoarse. Joe kissed her, this time with the savagery she craved and when they
came together, bodies in unison, both mouths and genitals were locked together.
Wonderful physical bliss suffused Marie and at the final moment, her vision
exploded crimson.
they quit shuddering and their breath returned to an even pace Marie curled up
in the circle of his arms. As teenaged lovers she dreamed of such a moment but
they never had a chance. Ma wouldn’t have stood for it in her house and so
their intimacy remained within the confines of Joe’s car or a blanket spread
beneath a tree in a hidden nook at the park. They breathed together as if they
remained one body, minds in sync.
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the Author
Ann Sontheimer Murphy writes romance about everyday people often caught up in
extraordinary circumstances. Her titles
range from contemporary to historical to time travel and sometimes stray into
the paranormal. She is a native of the historic
city of St. Joseph, Missouri, a jumping off spot for countless wagon trains in
the days of the old west and where outlaw Jesse James met his death. She now lives in a small Ozark town in what
passes for the suburbs. As a member of
Romance Writers of America, Missouri Writers Guild, and the Ozark Writers
League, Lee Ann pens a weekly column for the local newspaper. She has served on the local library board and
arts council. As a member of the Rebel
Elite team, her upcoming releases will shift to exclusive Rebel in 2013. Lee Ann is also one of the short list of
Rebel authors named Best of 2012. She
was also among the Best of 2011. She’s married with three children and one
spoiled Jack Russell terrier.
with Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy
[email protected]
Writer (Blog): http://leeannsontheimermurphy.blogspot.com
(personal page): https://www.facebook.com/LeeAnnSontheimerMurphy
(author page): https://www.facebook.com/pages/From-Sweet-To-Heat-The-Romance-of-Lee-Ann-Sontheimer-Murphy/287540748010934
Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Lee-Ann-Sontheimer-Murphy/e/B004JPBM6I
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/list/4543214.Lee_Ann_Sontheimer_Murphy
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