CBLS: Dani Hermit, Nevi Star & Monster!

Monster (Monster #1)

by Dani R.R. Hermit
& Nevi Star

Gay Contemporary Dark
Erotic Paranormal Romance

Action/Adventure, Horror

Publisher: Wandering
Stars Press

Release Date: January
23, 2013

Heat Level: Sizzling

Word Count: 290 pages


Buy Links

Amazon (Kindle): http://www.amazon.com/Monster-Book-One-ebook/dp/B00B8ED7OS/

Amazon (Print): http://www.amazon.com/Monster-Book-One-Volume-1/dp/1482328127/

Lulu (ePub): http://www.lulu.com/shop/dani-rr-hermit-and-nevi-star/monster-book-one/ebook/product-20660809.html

Lulu (Print): http://www.lulu.com/shop/dani-rr-hermit-and-nevi-star/monster/paperback/product-20651744.html


Welcome Dani and Nevi!

Writing duo Dani
Hermit and Nevi Star are the founders of Wandering Star Press. These two
unique Super Girls do it all and love anime, music – and check out the
spiritual awareness! I started asking questions and they just took over. They
are full of life and hard to contain – my absolute favorite kind of author
interview. Enjoy!


Author Interview: Dani Hermit,
Nevi Star

How did you choose your genre? What
made you write this book?

Hermie: The genre sort of chose me.
I tried several times to write stories that were more Young Adult
Adventure/Fantasy, but then the characters all started having sex all over
everything. So, I just gave up and went with erotica.

Nevi: I think it was Hermie’s fault
that I started writing erotica. I used to think my writing would take me into
children’s books. I’d actually finished writing and drawing a couple before we
started writing together.  But now, I can’t write a story without at
least some erotic elements, which won’t play well with the 10 and under crowd!

Hermie: And Monster is actually the
newest series in the Parliament of Twilight world. I’m not sure just how it
ended up being published first but each series can be read separately, so the
fans can start with any of them.

Nevi: The entire world was spawned
by us watching too much reality TV! There is an element of reality TV in each
series, making them feel contemporary as well as giving them a tongue-in-cheek
sort of humorous setting.


Writers write what they know, and
must observe the world. Are you a first born, middle or last child and how does
this shape your view of the world?

Hermie: We’re both the first born in
our families. For me, I’m not sure it mattered. My siblings came along so
quickly after me, I can’t remember ever NOT having a big family. And my brother
was the golden child, so I was ignored quite a bit of the time, allowed to read
my books and do whatever as long as I was behaving. So that probably made me
more aware of stories and definitely much more capable of fading into the
background and observing people.

Nevi: Wow, that’s way too
complicated for me. I don’t know if there’s enough time in this interview to
really get into that.


Where is your favorite place to

Hermie: I love going out to coffee
shops and bookstores, but I think that my favorite place is in our living room.
We’ve just redone it so it feels like a coffee shop. Nevi bought me a Keurig
coffee maker for Christmas so that takes care of my caffine needs! 

Nevi: I have to say I’m torn between
two. One is definitely at home, with my feet up and blasting our music while we
pass our notebook back and forth for hours. There’s almost always snacks and
hot beverages too.  The other is actually when we take a drive and
have long conversations about where we’re going in the story and bounce ideas
around. These usually end at a cafe or something with some good writing.


How do you feel about killing your
darlings, and what do you do with the remains?

Hermie: It’s not as hard for me to
kill characters as it is for Nevi. But I think that it really has to be
authentic to the story.

Nevi: I HATE IT! But I’ve done it.
One of the biggest writing projects of my life started with the idea of what
happens to a character who is killed in a story unnecessarily. The best way to
handle the remains is to write a world with zombies, vampires or mad scientists
who might make sure your darlings aren’t really dead!

Hermie: Recently, a darling we
thought we were going to kill, who had actually been invented in the first
draft of the story for the sole purpose of dying, was able to petition for his
life and it looks like he’s won.


You are introduced to your favorite
author. Who is it, and what is that one burning question you must ask them?

Hermie: I don’t know what
“burning question” I might have to ask, but I would love to chat with
one of my favorites, Laura Antoniou.

Nevi: I’m the same way. I don’t
really know what to ask, but I would love to have coffee with Stephen King and
talk about just about everything!


Inquiring minds want to know…tell
readers something about you that no one knows.

Nevi: Oh, wow. Through these
interviews, they’re learning more and more!

Hermie: I don’t know if we have any
secrets left!  

Nevi: Let’s go with, I was a prison
guard for a while and I’m an excellent marksman. And at another time, I was
just a few weeks away from taking the black belt test in Tae Kwon Do, but life
happened and I had to leave the class.

Hermie: I used to work as a
text-line skank. You know, the girls on these websites who offer to
“chat” for $2.95 a message? They’re fake and I was one of them for
nearly 2 years.


You are stranded on a deserted
island with only a back pack for company. What three items are in your survival

Nevi: Aw, man. How am I going to fit
Hermie in there?       

Hermie: LOL! Let’s just assume we’re
stranded together.      

Nevi: Do we each have our own

Hermie: Sure.

Nevi: Can I play with the stuff in

Hermie: No.     

Nevi: Stingy.

Hermie: I have my tablet (so I can
read, write and listen to music all in one!!)     

Nevi: And I’ve packed the notebooks
and pens, for one to write down the lyrics to my favorite songs, so when we
eventually run out of power, I have them and will not forget them!   

Hermie: I better pack a back-up
power supply too. That’s two. And for three, I guess I would want, um. . . I
can’t think of anything. If I have reading materials, a way to write and some
music to listen too, I’m happy.      

Nevi: And I want some of my rockstar
clothes! I have to look fabulous when we’re rescued! And Hermie will want her
Grinch jammie pants. She almost lives in those things.


If you could have one super power in
your existence, what would it be?

Hermie: I want to do like the chick
in the Tommyknockers and type with my mind while I’m doing other things! That
would save me so much trouble and rescue so many lost story ideas! Of course, I
don’t want to turn into a freaky alien at the end.

Nevi: To be able to heal people and
things with my singing voice.


Favorite snack?

Hermie: Do hot beverages count? I
also really love popcorn.

Nevi: Any kind of convection that
Hermie makes, but especially the fancy chocolates and cinnamon rolls. And
pot-stickers. I LOVE pot-stickers.


Indy 500 – Do you know how to get
where you’re going or do you drive the speed limit?

Hermie: I have a lead foot, even if
I have no idea where I’m going. It takes an act of extreme will power to keep
myself close to the speed limit, especially near where we live. There’s a ton
of spots where the cops wait for speed racers like me!     

Nevi: And that’s why I don’t drive.
I think I’m a Blues Brother when I’m behind the wheel. It’s just not safe.



It’s been years since
Siris and Julian’s boy band broke up and they all went their separate ways. Now
they’ve run in to each other in a little redneck bar in the middle of nowhere,
coming face to face with the ghosts of their past and the feelings they never
quite grew out of.

Siris is here handing
out golden tickets to some new reality TV show for the network that owns his
record label. Julian is here to meet up with yet another new partner. On the
surface it seems like a coincidence… or is it?

Neither man is happy
when they realize that The Parliament of Twilight, who once ruled their lives,
means for Siris to be Julian’s new partner. Julian worries about what he could
do to Siris. Siris just wants to go back to being a mega pop star and has no
interest in being a monster hunter. Thrown together against their will (and
better judgment) how will these former friends do on their first case?

Warning: This title is
intended for readers over the age of 18 as it contains explicit sex scenes
and/or situations (including BDSM/Light Bondage) and adult language, and may be
considered offensive to some readers.


About the Authors

Dani R.R. Hermit
(affectionately called Hermie) and Nevi Star, are the writers who founded
Wandering Stars Press.

What do we write, you

Our genre is gay
erotica, with a spice of horror, mystery, comedy, drama and sometimes a western
or space opera.  We love boys loving boys (in all the wrongest ways).
 If you love that too, then maybe we can be friends.  Both Hermie and
Nevi have some solo projects in the works, but more on those as they
develop.  You can stay up to date on the news from Wandering Stars Press
on our blog or Facebook.

Who are we when we’re
not writing?

We’re life partners
who’ve been together 13 years through all of life’s ups, downs and craziness.
Ours has been a long and sometimes arduous road, but it’s only made the journey
deeper and more interesting, adding fuel and fire to the stories we can tell.

Nevi is a spirit artist
and a shaman. She is a World Walker.  Nevi also does all the covers for
WSP’s books.  She is currently working on a post-apocalyptic pony novel of
her own, a My Little Pony themed tarot deck and a spirit squirrel oracle deck.

Hermie has been studying
tarot for 20 years and reading professionally for a small, private clientele
for about 13 years. She is also a genius at making sweet treats – homemade
candies, cookies, cupcakes. (All gluten free!) She does all the cooking for our
little pirate crew (or we would all starve or poison ourselves lol) and loves
her neurotic kitten.

What inspires us?

Our first love and
inspiration is Japanese Anime & Manga!  We discovered Yaoi and it was
all over.  We already had a love affair with slash fan fiction, so taking
that to some anime based fics really developed our style into what it is today.
 A close second is music.  We create playlists that are character,
story-arc or novel specific and play them at top volume while we are driving,
writing and sleeping!  We do karaoke in our living room as a means to
cleanse our story demons and open up to the next day’s work (and because it’s a
blast to get together with our pirate crew and sing our hearts out!). But we
also love TV, movies and books.  You can see which albums, shows, series,
etc. are our favorites by following our board on Pinterest.


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Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/happynakama/wandering-stars-press/


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