another year over! Can you believe it?
To celebrate the New Year with a bang, we authors, readers, and bloggers are going crazy and
sending out so many prizes, fun parties, experiences, and other goodies, that
it’s a bit scary. And
while we do that, we are EACH doing a giveaway.
I’m giving away an Amazon gift card. All you have to do is leave a comment and your email address to enter.
Check out those grand prizes and join us January 1st – 6th!

picked up the Stradivarius at the Casa di Città, and made the short walk over
to the Conservatory where they found an unoccupied music room.
played an intro to the Brandenburg Concerto No. 4. He knew the Baroque
composition as well as she did. He closed his eyes and his long fingers glided
across the keys until her body wondered how those fingers would feel gliding
over her.
brown trout! Angelina closed her mouth. She placed one of the straight back
wood chairs near the baby grand, but she did not sit down.
left the music sheets at home.”
play with your heart.”
joined in with the Stradivarius. Her fingers ran up and down the scales, until
she heard the Maestro’s gruff command. Andante … she must remember.
masterful control beckoned her. She stopped and closed her eyes at the end of
the first movement to listen to his piano solo.
was impulsive, driving. He owned the notes.
resumed her part. His piano and her violin flowed together. The notes were a
flower spray of light energy against her closed eyelids.
first, she did not understand what was happening. The hair on her arms
prickled, and then she knew what it was … recognition, of a sort.
could not say what was so familiar in this first time they played together.
looked into Tony’s eyes and heard another violin and piano. When the concerto
ended, their gazes were still locked as she tried to remember where she’d heard
it before.
he heard the other set of instruments too? She stopped herself before asking
the ridiculous question because his solemn eyes held remnants of desire, and
fools are taken in by praise’, the Maestro’s voice said in her ear.
this is how it feels to be a fool, just call me Village Idiot.
sauntered over to her. This was the kind of male domination she knew nothing
about. She wanted to know everything about it.
was a man with arresting confidence and he was holding back, he thought she
wanted that. Here she was wondering what it would be like to kiss him. She held
her breath. Will he kiss me now?
took the violin and placed it on the desk behind her. She stood when he took
her hand and moved closer.
wrapped his arms around her. “Are you a merciful angel?”
placed her arms around his neck, and moved closer still.
nipped at her lips, tasting them, searching. When she opened to him, his tongue
slipped inside her mouth.
slow exploration was a teasing assault on her senses. She followed his questing
tongue impatiently, sensing there was so much more with him than she had ever
experienced before.
kiss was thorough, determined and so relaxing, she wanted to stretch out on a
masseuse’s table.
burrowed against him, and then she knew.
had seemed in complete control of himself, but now she stood cradled between
his strong legs and she could feel that he was not. She felt exhilarating
satisfaction, but she wanted more. She moved against him.
groaned against her lips and leaned her back against the desk.
are early. Class does not start for another half hour.”
stilled. She looked up at Tony, who ignored the gravelly Italian coming from
the doorway. Somehow, her thigh had inched up Tony’s leg. His hand gripped her
bottom, pressing her against him.
are in Musical Theory 401, aren’t you?” the man said.
sighed. “He is not going away, is he?”
peeked over Tony’s shoulder. A rotund professor with a balding pate was walking
into the room, grinning from ear to ear. She turned back to Tony, shaking her
released her, caressing her thigh as her leg slid down his.
quivering giggle escaped her at the promise in his eyes. She turned to gather
her violin and case.
turned to the instructor. “Scusi professore, we were just … practicing.”
stifled another giggle. She almost burst out laughing when Tony winked at her.
the first movement of the Brandenburg concerto, he took her hand and they
walked past the instructor and out of the room.
I like the chemistry between the two leads 🙂
Congrats on this debut release! Love this excerpt and that it came to fruition from your dream of a hero! I’ll definitely check this out! have a wonderful 2013!
Have a great new year!!!
PS tried to join your Blog–no luck kept
getting error message
Thanks for participating in the hop and the great giveaway.
[email protected]
I like the build up between the h/h!
[email protected]
Loved the blurb, gonna check out the book. Happy New Year!
[email protected]
Congrats on your 2012 success and may 2013 be even better!
wldrnsqltr at
I like the feeling of hope and the happy endings. Happy New Year!
mce1011 AT aol DOT com
The HEA of course! Thanks for doing the blog hop!
The happily ever after. 🙂
JYL22075 at gmail dot com
I enjoy reading about people so madly in love that NOTHING can stop them from being together! Thanks for being a part of the hop!
This is my first participating
I look forward to 2013 and all that it holds
Thank you
ashlynn wiliams
Happy New Year
Great excerpt and congrats on recognizing your dream:)
Congrats on your release!
And thanks for the giveaway. Happy new year 😉
xandrajames AT gmail DOT com
The happy ending.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year
awesome blog hop
susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com
I love the thrill and fantasy of it. Thank you forthe blog hop and aawesome prizes. Happy New Year!!! Cwill030104 at yahoo dot com
Happy New Year!!
chellesy.clay at gmail dot com
I like all the different permutations of ways characters find their HEA!
What I love about romances is the excitement and discovery of their feelings and desires towards that special one who gets under their skin. I also love it when personalities clash but they fall in love anyway. Of course I love the Happy Ever After too.
Happy New Year!
[email protected]
What I like about romance is the HEA. Happy New Year!
jochibi AT yahoo DOT com
My favorite part of a romance is the unconditional love. AND the heroes to die for.
I get to live vicariously through the books I read 😉
[email protected]
Thanks for the giveaway!
mrs.hildebrand AT gmail DOT com
My favorite part of a romance is the love.
[email protected]
Great excerpt!
Oops. My favorite about romance? HED. 🙂 Great excerpt, too.
pamelakkinney (at) yahoo (dot) com
Your book sounds great! Happy New Years!
My favorite thing is escaping for just a little while. [email protected]
The passion..
Hi Danita … my highlights for 2012 – bought my dream car (2012 Dodge Challenger), won 3rd best mom dancer on the Carnival Dream at the Camp Carnival Welcome Aboard party, was selected to be a book reviewer for I Heart Books, and upgraded my Kindle Fire to a Kindle Fire HD!
My goals for this year are to get my daughter reading better (she is 6), to enjoy a fabulous vacation in Europe this summer, and to keep my recently acquired volunteer job or book reviewing! This in addition to my full time job and family should keep my busy 😉
Theresa Esterline
[email protected]
Forgot one thing – my favorite thing about romance is the happy ever after and getting to forget any real world problems I am having and escape into the story!
I love the buildup in romance. the anticipation.
Thanks for the fun and Happy 2013!
A happy ending. In real life, you don’t get those.
Thanks for the great hop.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com
my Favorite thing about romance is watching it happen sometimes fast but sometimes slow… but the happily ever after is always the best!!!
[email protected]
I love reading romance because of the passion!! and the thought there is someone for everyone 🙂 I have my someone 🙂
Happy New Years!!
[email protected]
Thanks for the giveaway! And Happy New Year!
[email protected]
I love the development of the relationship.
[email protected]
Always has to have an HEA for me to read!!
diane dot sadler at gmail dot com
I love the happy way romance makes me feel. With all the troubles in life, reading romance is an escape for me. And there’s always hope that I’ll find my own romance.
rmwyer at shaw dot ca
my hubby doesn’t believe in romance, so I love reading romances where the man says sweet things, and I can at least vicariously live through the heroine in being romanced
jennirv4967 at gmail dot com
What I love about romance is when they first meet! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Congrats on your debut!! I love romance for that falling in love feeling.
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com
Thanks so much for a great beginning to a New Year.
Thank you for the cool start to this new year – lucky 2013!! WTG with your debut!
[email protected]
Happy New Year! Thanks for offering such a wonderful giveaway!
bonafidereflections (at) gmail (dot) com
My fav thing about romance is the Happy ever after! I adore a good story with a happy ending! It gives you hope for your own love life!
Romance… the happy endings, that dreams come true, the hope that things can get better for everyone. 🙂
Happy 2013!
[email protected]
The thing i love about romance is being caught up in a story which makes you mad,happy,cry,mad again then happy… Good characters make you want to go back and reread the book and no matter what it still makes you feel the same.
[email protected]
love the HEA and the route the h/h takes to get there
gamistress66 (at) aol (dot) com
I love romance my favorite is the Happy Ending love them! Thank you for the great giveaway! Happy New Year!
I love the adventure, romance, and world building of romance books.
Happy New Year.
koonie2888 at yahoo dot com
I love the HEA. Real life often robs us of it, but not in books.
planterofhope at aol dot com
I love all of it, the first meeting, hot smexy action, drama(breakup or something)then finally the HEA.
Happy New Year, Danita! Post looks great as always 🙂
There are a few things that I love about romance. I love going to different worlds, feeling like I’m the heroine. Living in someone else’s shoes. And of course the happy ending 😀
Missie Jones
missie25524 (at) netzero (dot) com
I love the HEA and your cover rocks. Sounds like a great story too.
scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com
Happy New Years.Thanks for the giveaway.
Happy New Year!
My fav. about romance would be the happy endings.
Romance often times has the ability to make me laugh and cry throughout the course of the entire book. I absolutely love the roller coaster of emotions one can put into a romance novel 🙂
It would be the HEA. Thanks for the Hop!
strive4bst(At) yahoo(Dot) com
I really love the connections between people in a romance. It just makes your heart flutter 🙂
kissyjensen at gmail dot com
Best thing about romance is always having that connection with who you love on EVERY level!
I hope ur NewYear is filled with laughter, love , and time for the little things!!
Things I love in romance: laugh and cry 🙂
Happy New Year!
movie1997 at live dot it
I had a great year too! So 2013 must be even better right?
[email protected]
Happy New Year….Thanks for participating in the blog so I could see another author I didn’t know about.
[email protected]
Thank you for the hop!
I’m following you and did the tweet thing!
Happy New Year!
[email protected]
la trilogia di 50 sfumature!
I love the happy endings.
spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
Happy New Year!
I am a sucker for the Happily Ever After. Romance books almost always have the HEA and I love them because of it. I especially like the PNR books with hot sexy alpha heroes and kick-ass heroines. My favorite paranormal author is hands down… Shelly Laurenston/G. A. Aiken. All her books have humor, characters you can really like, HOT sex and a HEA.
Happy New Year and thanks for the chance to win. <^_^>
reneebennett35 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Romance can really make a book. A tense romance can keep me glued to the page.
dorothyanndreyer [at] gmail [dot] com
I love that there are so many places to take the genre, historical romance, paranormal romance, contemporary, etc, it makes it always new and interesting
I love Romance the stories; I can escape into the books plots and characters.
I did the tweet thing but can’t get the url thing to
work, sorry I tried! LOL!
it’s what’s missing in today’s world!
I love just the whole ideal of it!
Today’s guys couldn’t compete!
I love that happily ever afters are guaranteed. 🙂
smurfettev AT gmail DOT com
I love the guaranteed HEA!
I love all the aspects 🙂
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
[email protected]
Happy New Year!
cristinegasser (at) gmail (dot) com
I like the romantic dialogue. Thanks!
the HEA
I like witty banter, especially if the guy/guy or guy/girl butt heads 🙂 Makes it more exciting I think to see their romance develop!
love the HEA! best part of any book. thanks for the giveaway! happy new year.
pepperpenn42 at gmail dot com
I like the journey to HEA.
bituin76 at hotmail dot com
I love the HEA of course!
who dosnt like two people falling in love and finding there solemates but i do like a good story line as well
kaholgate at ymail dot com
Happy New Year!
rafflecopter: April
Happy New Year! My New Years traditions are easy, I spend time with my family and friends. I can’t think of a better way to ring in the new year. My resolutions this year is as always to loose a few pounds and spend a little more time with my family.
[email protected]
I like all the love and happy ever after.
[email protected]
Hi! Happy New Years! Thanks for the awesome hop and all the giveaways! This is so fun! I love these hops! I always meet new authors, reconnect with old ones and my TBR list grows by leaps and bounds! Thank you!! Have a great day! Best wishes and many blessings to you!
my favortite thing about romance is discovering things in each other that makes you feel love and wanted [email protected] happy new year
Thanks for the giveaway. [email protected]
love finding new books thanks for the hop
[email protected]
favorite thing about romance is just the ups and downs in the story that pull you in until the very last page. thanks for joining the hop!
[email protected]
My favorite things about romance are when a spark is lit that changes the entire future of ones love life for the better, when a moment lifts ones spirit, and when the same old love story turns into something totally unexpected and magical.
[email protected]
Happy New Year! I hope you have a great one. Thanks for taking part in the hop. Please visit my site:
I love the chemistry between the characters!
Happy New Year and hoping for a great 2013…
Michelle B. aka koshkalady
purrpurrkoshkamb at aol dot com
I could say a lot of things, I suppose, but I’ll boil it down to two things: The chemistry between two characters and smex.
tp DOT quixotic AT gmail DOT com
My favorite thing about reading romance is it goves me some in my boring life. lol
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com
I love the chemistry between the characters and HEA’s. Happy New Year!
[email protected]
Hot and spicy giveaway!
[email protected]
The development between the two characters, like a slow burn. Chemistry and witty banter (tension) always makes for good romance.
Thank you for participating in the New Year Blog Hop!
Best Wishes in 2013
uilani25 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Thanx for doing the hop. Happy New Year!
to live vicariously though others – regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
The relationships and HEA
Happy New Year!!
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Romance lets you believe that love truly will conquer all and that there really is someone out there for everyone–even when we’re at our worst!
[email protected]
Happy New Year! Thanks you 🙂
My favorite thing about romance is the chemistry between the characters!
Happy New Year to you!
verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com
i like how i makes me feel inside so happy and wanted. [email protected]
Hmm. That’s a difficult question! The way it makes you feel, I suppose..that’s the best answer I can give on that one!
dreammie_angel at yahoo dot com
I love the chemistry between the H/H and the HEA.
kareninnc at gmail dot com
They make me feel sexy
The way they make you feel happy.
Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com
Things I like about romance are the sweet little things that two people a midniht picnic,,reading with bodies barely touching cooking together, the looks that pass between but no one else notices, the inside jokes.the gentle touches,and just knowing the other is matter what.Hope your new year is full of love and laughter
[email protected]
I like the emotional connection that I feel when I read a really good romance. When something sad happens, I feel the pain and when it turns out good in the end, it makes me feel happy. Thanks for the great giveaway!
thompsonem3 at aol dot com
I like that it brings back those memories of when I fell in love with hubby.
Happy New Year! I thank you for being a part of the hop!
michelletucker at baconnation dot net
I like watching the main characters get together. It’s best if they don’t get together right away since that takes the fun away too quickly. I also adore wit and sarcasm.
[email protected]
I enjoy the happy endings in romance. Thanks for the giveaway. Happy New Year!
I love watching the relationship build, work out the kinks & the HEA.
JessieL62 at comcast dot net
Thanks for being in the hop I like the emotions a good character can make you feel. When you feel apart of the storyline danelle. [email protected]
I like the emotions and the way a relationship builds thru out the book and the hot sex.
My favorite thing about romance is when a man and a woman get together at last through the hindrances and hardships along the way.
anne.j2 (at)
I like getting lost in a story and I always imagine the female heroine as myself and the male hero as Alexander Skarsgard… umm… he’s hot.
[email protected]
I think my favorite thing about romance is when a girl finds that troubled boy and makes him whole. Where the love is so strong neither can live without each other. It reminds me of my first love and just claws at my heart.
Thanks for the great giveaway. Happy New Year.
Romance is all about the reaffirmation that there is someone out there for everyone & in the end, love is what life is all about.
drainbamaged.gyzmo at
Happy new year.
[email protected]
Thank you lovely readers for spending some time with me to ring in the New Year!
I hope all of your dreams come true in 2013 – this IS your year!
Congratulations, Theresa E., you won my site’s prized for the New Year’s Blog Hop! Enjoy 🙂