to the Halloween Blog Hop!
talk chills and thrills. For me, it’s movies. I love, love, love a good scary
I am
looking forward to the new movie Silent Hill Revelation in 3-D. After watching
the first Silent Hill movie, I could not imagine anything scarier than wandering
around a ghost town all by my lonesome.
And, yes,
it would take some great acting to actually get me out of that car…
whole movie was just so suspenseful. It left me wondering not when the heroine
was going to get killed, but how.
What makes
goose bumps rise on your arm? For Falcon and Angel, it’s il Dragone. Imagine a
devil-worshipping cult waiting for you in Silent Hill…
Ok, somebody
put on some big band happy music or maybe a nice calming Nutcracker ballet with
angelic swirling pink tulle as far as your eye can see – please!
Leave a
comment and your email address to win a
copy of my paranormal romance Falcon’s Angel.
to keep hoppin! Click the Halloween Blog Hop image to visit 200+
author websites in the Halloween Blog Hop. We are EACH doing a giveaway!
Someone knowing what you’re thinking in a dangerous situation gives me the goosebumps!
[email protected]
i love being able to just leave real life behind for a good story. thanks for the hop! [email protected]
What gives me goosebumps? alone in the house, noises outsides, lights off and me scaring myself silly watching something on tv that I know I shouldn’t!! lol.
Happy Howloween and thanks for the giveaway!
xandra at xandrajames dot com
great post! mygirls01(at)yahoo(.)com
I love the HEA in romance! And, I love the path that leads to it, the bumps in the road, and the way the characters deal with them.
[email protected]
I love horror. I love reading it and writing it. I’m not one who’s afraid of the dark, or bumps in the night. I am phobic about water though. The reason is, I drowned when I was younger. If not for the lifeguard, I wouldn’t be here. To this day, water freaks me out. Part of me wants to put that fear into a story, but part of me says it’s too close to home.
Carpe Noctem,
Author Desirée Lee
Putting the Romance back in Necromancy
[email protected]
Happy Halloween
The forbidden passion that graces most romance books..
Oh I can’t do scary movies- lol I have to dvr the Walking Dead and watch it during the day wlm167 AT yahoo DOT com
i love being able to just leave real life behind for a good story. thanks for the hop!
[email protected]
Graveyards give me chills….Not a fan of them…at all.
Haunted houses give me the chills & get my heart racing. Thanks for being part of this hop!
[email protected]
I love a romance with a HEA that takes awhile because of circumstance or stubbornness or misread feelings to get there. I didn’t read the ? on rafflecopter before posting comment. My apologies.
OMG SILENT HILL FREAKED ME OUT SO MUCH! It’s the movies with the creepy, unearthly beings and the suspenseful, mysterious atmosphere that scare me. Not that I don’t love some gore every now and again, but for a real scare, I appreciate true psychological terror that’s hard to come by these days. Some of my favorite scary movies are from the 70’s for just that reason. The Omen? Rosemary’s Baby? The Exorcist? *shudder*
Nice to see you again on the Hop Circuit! 😀
hafowler at gmail dot com
I forgot to answer the Rafflecopter question!
What I love about romance? No matter how dark and horrible the situation gets, the heroine and hero help each other through it, and in the end, there is hope, if not happiness for their future. You just can’t find that anywhere else, even in my beloved Urban Fantasy.
Oh, and the “good parts” don’t hurt. *G*
Goosebumps…. I hate being out in the dark when it is windy….. hard to see and cant hear…. creeps me out. havebookwillsurvie at gmail.com
I just like seeing two people that are meant to be together figure out how in love they are.
Jyl22075 at gmail dot com
I can’t watch scary movies. I run away with the laughter and taunts from my children ringing in my ears. Have a great Halloween. 🙂
I am a sucker for the Happily Ever After. Romance books almost always have the HEA and I love them because of it. I especially like the PNR books with hot sexy alpha heroes and kick-ass heroines. Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win. <^_^>
reneebennett35 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Just the fact that they have that advantage. Just makes me want to scream. 🙂
I know what you mean – I step right into a good story!
You just described me. 🙂
Thanks for hoppin’ 🙂
Its beautiful when they come together. 🙂
I understand completely. I have this fear of having water over my head. Don’t know why, I just don’t like going out into water too deep.
thanks for hoppin’!
Ha! That’s me and American Horror Story. 🙂 I never knew Jessica Lange could be so scary!
enjoy the hop!
oh, yes, and those creaky wrought iron gates!
Oh yes, I cannot watch those movies alone! The Exorcist gave me nightmares for weeks. 🙂
While we’re at it, I just remembered another shocker: John Carpenter’s Prince of Darkness from the 80’s. Remember that strange ooze in the basement of an abandoned building? Yikes!
And the wind takes on a life of it’s own, doesn’t it- howling, weeping….
that ‘s what I live for. 🙂
I know exactly what you mean!
I hear, ‘Mom, you’ll be sleeping with the light on tonight’ 🙂
Yes, I love my paranormal Alphas. 🙂
I love the heat and passion in romance novels!
I don’t mind suspense but I’m a really big chicken about horrors.
Hearing an unidentified noise when I know I’m alone gives me goosebumps.
bituin76 at hotmail dot com
Some Turkish horror movies about djinns. (Musallat, Marid) They are not that scary while watching, but have effect afterwards. After Musallat I couldn’t wash without fear for 2 weeks.
Thanks for the Hop.
I HATE SCARY MOVIES!!! Only because I am a huge sissy with an overractive imagination! If there is any possible way that the events could truly happen it completely creeps me out!… Sixth Sense, White Noise, 13 Ghosts… *shiver* I will have nightmares for weeks! Right now American Horror Story: Asylum is scaring the crap out of me!
I can not stand to watch horror movies, the suspense all but kills me and my nerves are shot for days after just watching the previews lol
I think I’ll stay away from your Silent Hill movie 😀
I have a real low tolerance for scary movies! I’m with LeanneG, on that one! 🙂
akasarahmadison at gmail dot com
I love romance novels because I love a happy ending I read romance books as an escape from real life.
I love the journey and struggle they have to go through to make it work out in the end….plus sexy men and steamy love scenes are a plus 😉
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I always thought of romance novels as an escape from reality. The real world can seriously suck at times. But you’re always guaranteed a HEA in a romance novel.
I loved horror movies as a teen. However, I just can’t do them anymore! Thanks for participating in the hop!
I used to love scary movies but not so much as I get older.
Thank you for for taking part in the hop.
orelukjp0 at gmail dot com
Sounds really good! Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com
Happy Halloween!! Thank you so much for the awesome hop and giveaway! 🙂
This sounds great. I love romances. I love the romance, the HEAs, the characters, etc.