Oooh…Ghosties…Romance…What more could you want? 
Why, Hunter Raines on tour, of course!

Character Interview

1.  What is Danny like?

Danny lost his sight a couple of years ago in the
car accident that took his lover’s life. However, losing his sight gave him the
ability to see ghosts. He now spends his time working with the Phoenix Police
Department to help with unsolved cases so he can give the spirits who haunt him
some peace. He’s glad to be useful, but he’s also extremely lonely.
Relationships are difficult for him, partly due to his blindness, and partly
due to the fact that most people don’t believe he has the ability to see

2.  What does Danny do best?
What is the perfect location for this action?

He’s very good at communicating with spirits to
figure out what they want, despite the fact that ghosts don’t talk. He has to
figure out their desires from their gestures alone, but he’s gotten great at it
over the years. The perfect location is pretty much anywhere the ghosts lead
him – it could be as mainstream as a mall, or as stomach-churning as a sewer.

3.  What drives Danny to do the
things he does?

Since losing his sight, he’s struggled to become a
productive member of society. He wants to be useful again. So helping the
Phoenix PD solve cold cases is a good way for him to contribute. He’s also
looking to find peace. The only way to be rid of the ghosts is to figure out
their unfinished business. The downside is that as soon as one vanishes, another
appears and the cycle starts all over again.

4.  You are introduced to Danny.
Is he happy to meet you?

Absolutely! Danny’s a nice guy. I’m sure he’d love
to chat with me for a while.

5.  What is Danny’s favorite
guilty pleasure?

Danny adores his 12-year old niece, Isabelle. He’d
rather spend time with her than do just about anything else.

6.  How would Danny describe himself?

He’d describe himself as tall, with curly hair and
permanent scruff since he rarely bothers to shave. He’d also point out the
cane, which is what most people notice first.

7.  What is your Danny’s

His stubborn streak when it comes to maintaining his
independence continues to get him into trouble. He’d rather do things himself
just to prove he can rather than accept help from anyone.

8.  Where does Danny go to regroup/unwind?

At home. He feels most comfortable in his own home,
because he knows the layout and he can be sure he’s not going to smack into a
wall or trip over something someone accidentally moved since the last time he
memorized the lay of the room.

9.  What does your MC live for? 

His sister and his niece. 

10. What will your MC kill for

To protect his sister and his niece.

A Few Questions for Danny

1.  If
you could have one super power in your existence, what would it be?

X-Ray vision. At this point, I’ll
take any kind of ‘vision’ I can get.

2.  A
biography has been written about you. What do you think the title would be in
six words or less?

*laughs* Funny you should mention
biographies. My lover and I met because he was hired to write my biography. I’m
not sure what he would have called it if he’d gone through with the assignment…
Probably something like Danny Van Doren, Ghost Detective.

3.  If
money were not an object, where would you most like to live?

Somewhere close to the ocean. I’d
love to fall asleep to the sound of waves crashing against the shore.

4.  I
can never keep up with what’s popular on TV because hearing the
dialogue without being able to see the screen drives me crazy

5.  The
next time I have Isabelle over I will make her homemade ice cream.

6.  Why
do I always bang my shin against the same coffee table?

7.  My
favorite flavor is mint because it’s refreshing.

8.  I
love music because I  can fully
appreciate it without having to see the performer.

9.  How
much skepticism can you take? Why?

Lots. Almost everyone I’ve ever
met has been skeptical of my abilities. It doesn’t interfere with my work, or
my life. People can believe whatever they choose. My talent doesn’t require
their belief.

Name one thing you must do before you die, and

Find peace for every last spirit
still wandering the Earth. It’s an unattainable goal, I know, but a guy can

Title: Sight Unseen

Genre: Male/Male Paranormal Erotic

Publisher: Carina Press

Buy Link:


Book Blurb:

Daniel Van Doren was once a renowned writer, until
he was blinded in the car accident that killed his lover. Now, all he sees are
ghosts in need of help. They follow him everywhere, and the only way to be rid
of his ethereal visitors is to help them resolve their unfinished business here
on earth so their spirits can find peace.

Ghostwriter Logan Riley is assigned to pen Daniel’s
biography. He plans to reveal him as a fraud, but when they meet he’s struck by
Danny’s quiet sincerity–and a growing attraction. Which makes sticking close
to Danny to find out the truth more than a little distracting.

When they are attacked by a violent poltergeist, Logan
begins to believe Danny’s not just telling the truth, he’s in grave danger. A
spirit has learned how to harness the energy of the living to break through the
barrier between worlds to harm Danny. And Logan may be the one to blame…



Danny loitered
by the door, listening for the sound of a car pulling up the drive. His heart
thumped, each beat measuring the passing of time. He’d been standing there for
at least ten minutes, though he hadn’t bothered to check his watch. Maybe Logan
wouldn’t show up. Maybe after having a night to think about it, he decided
Danny had been right—he wasn’t in the least bit interesting, and spending the
next few months following a blind man around would be preferable only to
watching paint dry. Maybe—

But no.
There it was, the sound of a motor revving, then slowing as it pulled into his
driveway. It sounded different than the police cruisers Nick normally sent for
him. Different also than Nick’s beat up truck, which sputtered and coughed like
a tractor.

waited until Logan rang the bell, then lingered a little while longer after
that before unlatching the bolt. Throwing the front door open the moment the
chime pealed would only make him look desperate.

And he
wasn’t desperate. Lonely, maybe. Eager for another whiff of that mouthwatering
cologne, definitely. But not desperate.


A swift
shot of longing chased away the uncertainty Danny had been feeling all morning.
He grabbed his cane and stepped outside, letting the door close behind him.

female ghost from the Java Café was back, too, and she didn’t look anywhere
near as calm this morning as she had last night. In fact, she seemed downright
restless, pacing across the field of darkness, scowling at the geriatric boxer
when he got in her way and flicking dart-filled glares at Danny. The ball of
light she held had shrunk to the size of a marble. Was that why she was so

to help her even if he wanted to, Danny turned away and faced more or less in
the direction he thought Logan would be standing. “I wasn’t sure you’d show.”

“Did I
give you a reason to doubt me?”

shrugged. He trailed his fingertips across the lock, then fumbled with the key,
unable to slide it home as quickly as he’d have liked.

fingers wrapped around his, sending a shiver down his spine. “Here, let me

opened his mouth to protest, then closed it again when he realized Logan had no
intention of taking his keys. Instead, he guided Danny’s fingers, positioning
the key before pressing their hands forward. Logan’s back pressed against
Danny’s, pinning him to the doorframe. The unmistakable feel of Logan’s
erection against the curve of his hip made it hard to breathe.

The key
slipped inside, and Danny nearly moaned. Logan turned their fingers until the
lock clicked into place, then he drew back, leaving Danny shaken and

“Take my arm. I’ll guide you to the car.”