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Do you have any tattoos? Where? When did you get it/them? Where are they on your body?
I don’t have any tattoos. Not because I don’t like them but because I hate needles. I have thought about it, and if I ever decide to get one, I would want a peace sign or the words “Kindness Matters” scribed on my arm.
Is your life anything like it was two years ago?
I’ve gotten a lot busier with my writing in the last two years. Last year, my debut novel Cloud Whispers was published followed by my first romance, Nora’s Promise. This year, The Perfect Lap was published, and I’m actively working with my editor on finishing my next story. Sometimes the writing, editing, and marketing processes make life a bit crazy, but I wouldn’t change it for anything.
How long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing for a decade, including classes, workshops, working with editors, and creating a lot of practice manuscripts.
What advice would you give a new writer just starting out?
Feed your soul. Find balance. Prioritize.
For me (and probably most authors,) time is precious. One of the most important things I’ve learned over the years is how to say “no.” It’s not selfish, it’s self-care…maybe even self-preservation. I no longer try to do everything, instead I focus on what’s most important at any given moment, like writing.
Tell us something about your newest release that is NOT in the blurb.
I include new age, spiritual themes in my stories. In a recent guest blog at https://lauriesplace.net/, Laurie Sanders described my writing as follows:
“…what Sedona Hutton is doing is different from the inspirational romance that we know and love. Sedona is blazing new trails by blending traditional romance with new age spirituality. What’s emerging is a unique blend of romance and spirituality with themes like The Law of Attraction – being present – being in the now – that I’m really enjoying. The books are spiritually uplifting with fully developed romance plots and enough heat between the sheets to keep you turning the pages. “ In Cloud Whispers, spiritual themes are the Law of Attraction (LOA) and Cause and Effect or ripples of kindness. In Nora’s Promise, key themes are choosing kindness and focusing on the now. The Perfect Lap covers gratitude, positive energy, and the idea that everyone is doing the best they can from where they are.

The Perfect Lap
by Sedona Hutton
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
His job is to drive fast. Hers is to put the brakes on him. When sparks fly, will love cross the finish line?
AJ Ryan is a publicity nightmare. After a questionable photo surfaces and his biggest sponsor threatens to pull out, the NASCAR champion admits it might be time to hit the brakes. Thankfully, his new no-nonsense image consultant knows just where to start… too bad she revs his engine so loudly he can barely think straight.
Ella Fisher’s career is a welcome distraction from her poor taste in men. Fresh off another easily avoidable heartbreak, rehabbing AJ’s career is just the diversion she needs. But when the pulse-pounding client actually listens to her advice, Ella wonders if there’s more to the man behind the hot mess.
When Ella is granted guardianship of three boisterous children under the misconception that she and AJ are a couple, AJ surprises her by going along with the charade. Before long they find themselves in a make-shift family that feels more real than pretend.
As their professional relationship takes a hard turn for the personal, a single overheard conversation could make it all go up in flames. Will Ella and AJ’s romance hit the wall, or will love take the checkered flag?
The Perfect Lap is the second standalone novel in the Racing Hearts of Serenity romance series. If you like bad boys with a heart of gold, strong women, and love stories with a new age twist, then you’ll adore Sedona Hutton’s fun, sexy tale.
“I bet you have a beautiful smile,” he drawled, then lowered his mouth to hers.
She should have pulled away—she didn’t know this man from Adam. But everything inside her protested. After gazing into each other’s eyes, she felt like she knew him intimately.
His lips were warm and tingly, his kiss pure perfection…and he drew back way too quickly. He blinked those deep blue eyes and gave her a lazy grin. “I knew it.” He rubbed the pad of his thumb over her lower lip. “Beautiful.”
That’s when she realized she was smiling.
He rose, and she gave him a quick once over, taking in the sexy stubble on his face, the taut muscles of his chest, his lean physique. As good old-fashioned lust rolled through her like a quick-moving thunderstorm, she silently bemoaned her situation. This was a hell of a time to have a newly implemented man-ban.
“Keep smiling.” Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he winked at her. “It suits you,” he added in that low, sexy drawl. Then he sauntered off.
Her breath caught as she spun around to gape at him. He’d just kissed her and now he was leaving? She contemplated calling him back, then reconsidered. She had other fish to fry.
Even so, she couldn’t stop herself from tracking his every move as he swaggered toward the party, his backside looking every bit as fine as the rest of him. Pressing a hand to her chest, she let out a slow exhale. Even though she was one-hundred percent committed to her man-ban, she could admit—at least to herself—that the sexy, charming stranger had intrigued her.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Author Sedona Hutton finds inspiration in the beautiful Smoky Mountains of Tennessee, where she lives with her husband and curly-coated retriever. In addition to writing, she’s a Reiki Master and a certified Chopra Center Meditation instructor. She enjoys reading, yoga, gardening, and experiencing the great outdoors on boats, motorcycles, and Jeeps. Sedona pens a “Peace, Love, & Joy” blog on her website. Visit her at www.SedonaHutton.com, Twitter @SedonaHutton, Facebook @SedonaHuttonAuthor, and Instagram @SedonaHutton.
Sedona’s debut novel, Cloud Whispers, was a Finalist in the 2018 Readers’ Favorite Contest, an Official Selection in the 2018 Summer eBook Awards for New Apple Literary, and Shortlisted for the Books Go Social Best Book of 2018.
Website: https://www.sedonahutton.com/
Blog: https://www.sedonahutton.com/blog
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SedonaHutton
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SedonaHuttonAuthor/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sedonahutton/
Amazon page: www.amazon.com/author/sedonahutton
Goodreads Author page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17837575.Sedona_Hutton
Short link to Goodreads Author page: https://bit.ly/2GxDDQ7
Book purchase links:
Amazon Purchase Link for Cloud Whispers: https://goo.gl/N9aC38
Amazon Purchase Link for Nora’s Promise: https://tinyurl.com/y7vqz3t9
Amazon Purchase Link for The Perfect Lap: https://www.amazon.com/Perfect-Lap-Racing-Serenity-Romance-ebook/dp/B07R92KSFX
A great interview thank you. That would be a great tattoo.
Thanks, Mary! Wishing you a wonderful day – Sedona
Thanks for hosting!
Danita – Thanks so much for hosting this tour stop! Sedona
It’s great to have you here Sedona! Congrats on this exciting release!
Thank you, Danita, and thanks again for hosting my tour. I love your site! 🙂 Sedona
Thanks Sedona!
Thank you for taking the time to share your terrific book with us. I enjoyed reading about it.
Thanks for the compliment, James. I hope you have a fabulous day! Sedona
The excerpt sounds wonderful!! I can’t wait to devour the whole book!!
Thanks so much Mya. I hope you enjoy The Perfect Lap! 🙂 Sedona
Sounds like a great read.
Thank you, Rita. I appreciate the compliment! Sedona
How long ago did you come up with the idea for this book?
Hi Bernie – As I wrote Nora’s Promise, I thought it would be fun to create a series. I’m especially fond of The Perfect Lap because I grew to love AJ while writing Nora’s Promise. As I further developed his character, I knew I had to write his story next. I’m currently working on the third book in the series, Restart in Bristol, which is CC’s story. Thanks for your question! Sedona
Great post, I can’t wait to read this one!
Thank you, Victoria. I hope you enjoy it – 🙂 Sedona
Congrats on the new release! Great excerpt. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much for stopping by the tour, and for the compliment on the excerpt. I hope you’re having a wonderful week – 🙂 Sedona
The cover is so beautiful!!